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•5• Sorrowful Anger

It's been two days and Melody still hasn't spoken a word to me. I understand what I did was wrong, but I don't deserve this. I loved her to much for her to treat my this way. I gave her everything. Now look how she's treating me.

Anyway lets get this day going.

"Melody when are you gonna talk to me?" I groaned as she sat at the dinner table eating silently.

I felt anger rush to me and slowly but shortly I had blown my stop. I slammed my fork down and stood up towering over her.

"Answer me! I'm tired of you being so fucking petty! You're acting as if I'm the one who diagnosed you with autism, but heads up your stupid ass was born that way!" Hadn't realized what I was saying, I just stood there breathing harshly.

"That's what you think of me?" She growled standing up. My eyes widened as her voice became menacing and non-babyish.

"I-i wasn't thinking baby. Please forgive me." I whimpered.

"I'm calling my brother and telling him I wanna come home! I'm tired of you." She hissed and looked me up and down.

I grabbed her arm to protest but I was cut off by a slap to my right cheek. I growled as it started to sting, and before I knew what was happening I had swung my right fist at her causing it to connect with her jaw.

Shit... "Melody.." I whispered going to reach out for her, but she just screamed and backed away from me.

My heart began to beat rapidly as I saw blood rushing out of her nose and mouth. I thought I had only hit her in the jaw. "Melody.. Baby." I mumbled but all I got was a cry for help.

I felt as if my heart had shattered while she cried and screamed for help.

I grabbed my phone and typed her brothers cell phone number in quickly.

"Hello?" I heard his deep voice answer. "Hey man it's Justin uhm I was wondering if Melody could come stay with you for a weekend." I whispered knowing if he found out what I did he was gonna kill me.

"Awe sure, but what's up man?" he asked his voice getting more demanding. "She just wanted to come see you." I spoke lying straight through my teeth. "Aight I'll be there to pick her up tomorrow." He said making shuffling noises in the background.

"That's cool." I said peeking in the dining room and saw Melody back in her seat eating. "Aye can I bring my boy, I was wondering if we could stay a couple of days, maybe have some boy time. You know guys night out." He said chuckling. I let out a fake chuckle and agreed. "Yeah that's cool." I said agreeing with his plan. "Okay! I'll get my stuff ready! Talk to you later." He laughed then stopped. "Oh and tell Mel I love her..." He whispered then the annoying beep rang through the phone indicating he hung up.

I went back into the dining room and saw Melody holding a paper towel to her nose.

"Baby..." I whispered causing her head to snap in my direction. "Y-yes?" She mumbled as her shoulders tensed.

Frowning I crouched down to her level. "I got something to tell you." I said a little louder because I knew her ears were probably sore from all the yelling.

"Well?" She asked giggling slightly as I stalled telling that Ryan was gonna be here tomorrow.

"Guess who's coming?" I said my voice rising with excitement. Her eyes widen with happiness and the widest smile I've ever seen made its way on her face.

"B-buba?" She screeched standing up waiting for my answer. "Yes!" I hollered causing her to screech and jump into my arms. I held her close to me as I broke down into tears. Think that I'd never get to feel her in my arms again after what I did.

"T-thank you s-so m-much..." Melody's little voice whispered in my ear.

"Don't thank me baby, never again. For now on I'm gonna be the one thanking you. Okay?" I said stroking her back. She nodded and leaned back a little wiping my tears.

"P-please don't do that again..." She whispered in a baby voice.

My heart shattered as she spoke those words.

"Oh baby I'll never put my hands on you again. Never ever again. That was a one time thing and I don't want it to ever happen again. I deserve to sulk in sorrow and pain and loneliness."

"I k-know J-jay." She giggled. I chuckled and pecked her lips while stroking her back.

"Now let's get you cleaned up baby." I whispered while taking her to the restroom.

I hope we can get over this situation because if not I'm gonna be stuck with this terrible feeling. I loved her to the fullest instinct and nothing was gonna stop that.

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