Head Over Heels

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Daniel and I just got back from school,
and It's been a week or so since it started.
His eye looked better too, it wasn't really purple anymore and was less noticeable
so that was a good thing.
Anyways, we were chilling in his living room.
Well I was, but he was practicing his Karate
from a book.
As he was warming up, I brought up Ali.
Telling him how much of a pussy he was to even talk to her sometimes.
" Dude, you gotta ask her out soon. "
I say looking away from the tv as I munched on some popcorn on the couch.
" I'm gonna pretend you aren't even here, Y/n."
Could tell he was annoyed by my nagging,
he rolls his eyes, opens the karate book, and starts doing some moves.

" 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57- "
We hear knocking on the door, Daniel and I turn our heads, seeing it was Mr. Miyagi.
He was gonna fix the faucet in the kitchen sink.
" Oh yeah, come on in.
It's the kitchen one. "
Daniel instructs him as Mr. Miyagi walked in.
" Hey, Mr. Miyagi. "
I greet him with a salute from the couch.
" Oh, hello Y/n-San. "
He looked a little confused, since he probably wasn't expecting me to be here, but he still smiled.
" 1, 2, 3- "
Daniel resumed doing his Karate when-
" Ooohh, Karate. "
Mr. Miyagi says.
" Yeah, 5, 6- "
Daniel answers, and still continues
to kick his foot up.
" Very good. Learn from book? "
" Yeah, and a few months at the Y in Newark
where I live. 9, 10. "
Daniel carry's on while Mr. Miyagi
approached the sink.
" What happened to eye? "
I look up from my comic, listening to their conversation.
" Oh, I fell off my bike. 18, 19- "
Daniel simply answers.
Mr. Miyagi looks to me and I shake my head.
" Lucky no hurt hand. "
He then looks to Daniel as he starts unscrewing
something on the sink.
I let a small chuckle out, seeing Daniel notice me.
I cough immediately go back to reading as I adjusted the comic and tried not to laugh.

It's been about 20 minutes now counting,
and Mr. Miyagi was done.
" Hey uh, thanks uh Mister. "
Daniel was still doing his Karate.
" Miyagi. "
He says, bowing a little, making his way to the door.
" Y/n-San, you and father okay? "
He questions me.
" Yeah, yeah, we're alright.
Thanks Mr. Miyagi. "
I answer, as he heads out the door.

It's sweet he's concerned
about what's been happening.
After all he knows my family situation.
Almost everyone
in the whole apartment complex knows...
Which is pretty-
" Y/n! "
Daniel yelled, immediately snapping out of my thoughts.
" Hm? "
I answer with wide eyes.
" What was that all about? "
He asks sitting next to me on the couch,
assuming he was taking a break.
" Nothin.
Anyway, you wanted check out more of
the tapes I got, right? "
I ask, changing the subject.
" Well yeah, but what was up with Mr....- "
He took a long pause until,
" Miyagi. "
I helped him out.
" Miya"j"i, right.
He was asking if you and your dad were okay. "
" Nah nothing.
He was just asking, that's all. "
" But why- "
" C'mon let's go to your room. "
I stand up from the couch, picking my bag up.
" Y/n wait- "
I hear him say from behind before I turned
to the hallway to where his room was.
" It's fine, Y/n..
He can't know. He just can't... "
I mumble to myself, dumping my cassette tapes
on his bed.
Daniel. He just can't know.
Or else he'll treat my like everyone else in the building..

Which I don't want to happen.

" Hey, why'd you run off like that? "
Daniel asks, putting the book in a drawer in his room.
" Was excited to listen to music,
now come on.
This one over here- "
We listened and jammed to some music and I let Daniel borrow some of em,
since he got really into it.
He did have like a mini radio, but he said he barely used it until well, now.
" Oh come on!
Can I please keep this one?
Just for a little while? "
He begs holding up one my first ever tapes that I made, making it one of favorites.
" Nooo! I listen to that that one the most. "
I snatch it from his hand and putting it back
in my bag.
" Fine... "
He starts looking through more tapes that
were scattered on the bed.
" Say uh, why don't you ever talk to Ali?
You know she's into you. "
I tease arranging the tapes
that he likes in one pile.
" I'm taking it slow, ya know?
Besides why do you keep pressuring me about talking to Ali? "
He questions and I actually made myself
think about it.
Why do I??
I don't even know?
Oh shit wait, I've been thinking too long. Uh...
Quick, think of something...
" I- I'm just being a good friend, Daniel. "
He looks at me with the expression where he wanted more of an explanation.
" Okay...
Wouldn't you want me to make a move on a guy that I'm like, I don't know?
Head over Heels for or something like that. "
" Woah, woah, woah!
Who said anything about me
going head over heels on Ali?!"
He denies defensively.
Him saying that suddenly gave me
an immature but fun idea.
" I did! "
I put the tape " Head Over Heels" on.
The intro starts playing on the boombox.

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now