Beach Party

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" Y/n! "
I wake up to Freddy banging
on my bedroom door.
I halfway sit up from my bed,
looking to my alarm clock, it's was 8:30....
" Shit. "
I say sitting up from the bed,
forgetting we were having a beach party thing.
" I'll be out in a minute! "
I shout getting to my closet to change.
" I'll see you downstairs!
Still gotta get Daniel! "
" Oh! Is Jack coming?! "
" Yeah! "
I hear his voice faintly fade away.
Man oh man I can't wait to see him!

Anyways, I got ready,
I wore some long cut shorts, a simple crop top
and lastly brought my cassette
and headphones with me.
I take one more look in the mirror and
rest my shades on my head.

" Heya, Y/n. Mornin. "
I see Daniel and Freddy at the bottom of the stairs.
" Morning. "
I squint as the sun rays hit my eyes
" Have you eaten yet? "
Daniel asks me as we start walking out
the front gate.
" Uh no, no not yet. "
I shake my head.
" Here. "
He tosses me a sandwich, me being clumsy, I almost dropped it but luckily i caught it.
" Oh thanks, Daniel. "
I smile unraveling the wrapper,
immediately taking a bite.
PB & J???
" You guys bring bathing suits? "
Freddy asks us.
" Um no. "
" Uh- uh. "
Both Daniel and I shake our heads.
" Well, that's too bad? "
He laughs as we take a turn.

The Beach ~

We arrive at the beach,
the boys start playing football, I sit alone watching them play.
I see the girls gathered up together in their bathing suits getting ready to swim.
" Hey Y/n. Why don't you sit with the girls? "
One of the guys ask as they pass by.
" Yeah, freak. "
They all laugh except Daniel.
" Can I not sit with you guys? "
I ask, eager to know their answer.
" No, just go mingle with the girls, you don't even play football with us. "
One of the guys answered, and yeah
he had a point.
Without saying anything,
I sigh getting up from the warm sand,
and I make my way over to where the girls were.
" Hey, what's up with Y/n? She okay? "
I hear Daniel ask the guys.
" Nothing, she's alright. "
I hear them reply to him.

" Oh hi Y/n! How are ya! "
Mandy, one of the girls asked me
as I sat a few inches away from them, since
I just wanted to listen to my mixtape
on my walk-man.
" I'm good, I'm good. You guys? "
I ask and I guess they didn't hear me?
" The guy in the grey sweatshirt seems cute, huh? "
The brown haired girl nudged Ali.
She was one of the popular kids in school,
since she dates? dated? I don't know.
But her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend is? was?
Anyway, he's the one and only Jhonny Lawrence,
one of the Cobra Kai kids.
But all in all,
she's real sweet and friendly too.

I saw both her and Daniel make eyes contact with each other.
I'm not surprised..
I laugh in my head.
She's really pretty and sweet so I don't blame him.
" Well yeah, he's a little cute I guess. "
Ali nervously laughs, I could tell she was trying
to hide her blushing.
The other girls laugh along and tease her
more about it.
A wave of jealousy comes over me...
What was that?
But it washed away as soon as I made eye contact with Daniel. He smiled.
" You and Jhonny still together? "
" No, I uh- I broke up with him a couple weeks ago. "
" Oh what? "
" Really? "
" But I thought you guys- "
They continue chatting about what's been going on between Ali and Johnny.

I just wanna go home!
ALSO, where's jack!?
I thought to myself as I burried my
face into my knees.

Few Hours Pass By

Everyone got changed and ended up building
a campfire for us to have
a little cook out or something.
Being lost in my music I hear everyone yell?
I look behind me to see Jack finally arrive!
IMMEDIATELY I drop all my things
and rush to him.
" And there she goes... "
Freddy and the rest of the gang laugh
as I ran past them.
" Y/n- WOAHH- "
My best friend laughs keeping his balance since I leaped to hug him.
I looked behind me for a second to see the guys,
but the person who caught my eye was Daniel.
He had his eyebrows furrowed and had a confused look on his face.
As soon as we made eye contact he smiled.
That was weird? It happened again.
" JACK! "
I yelled the moment I got a hold
of my best friend.
" Missed you too, Y/n/n? "
He laughs hugging me back.
" That's for finally arriving.
Missed you, ya know? "
I pull away.
" Ow! "
I hit him on the shoulder...
" -is for leaving me all summer, you fucker. "
I finish my sentence as we both laughed.
" Come on. "
We both make our way to everyone at the fire.
" Hey Jack's back! "
The guys cheer as they huddle him up.

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now