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I was waiting outside Daniel's apartment,
right about to knock when I heard-
" Y/n! Come in! "
Daniel yelled from inside.
Guess he saw me through the window?
I open the door and,
" Oh uh, morning Mrs. LaRusso. "
I smile seeing Daniel turn to the corner
of the living room.
" Good morning, Y/n. "
Lucille turns away from the stove with the warmest smile on her face.
Oh I could smell the eggs from here!
She was still in her robe while Daniel on the other hand had the outfit he chose 2 days ago on.
INCLUDING the shades.
Huh, I wonder what for

" How was the party? "
His mom asks as she just scraped some eggs
off the pan.
" It was okay. "
Daniel simply answers, drinking straight out of the carton of orange juice.
" Must've been more than okay.
I didn't even hear you come home. "
She slaps his tush making me laugh a little.
" Any friend material?- "
She asks, looking over to me and asking,
" Y/n, want some toast dear? "
I look to the table and boy was I quite hungry.
" Oh Thanks- "
" -Yeah, some. But we gotta go, Ma. "
Daniel says cutting me off,
taking a bite of the food
and it was very obvious that he was in a rush.
" You sit down and eat first. You too, Y/n. "
She gestures to the table but Daniel was avoiding
the heck outta her.
" I'm not hungry. "
" C'mon, you need energy to be charming "
She looks at me and winks,
I let a small laugh out.
" I'm fine, we need to go. "
" I'm sure Y/n wants to sit and eat something? "
Mrs. LaRusso adds.
Daniel and I look at each other, giving me
the look of desperation.

Don't really have a choice now,
do I?

" Actually Mrs. LaRusso,
as much as I- "
Daniel secretly kicks my leg
from behind the couch,
" -we, as much as we would love to stay for a bit,
we got some stuff to catch up on. "
I quickly change my words, nervously laughing,
thanking her afterwards for making the food.
" See, Y/n says we need to go. "
Daniel says picking up his bag as she nods in response.
And just as we were about to leave,

" Daniel, do me a favor? "
Lucille says with a smile on her face.
" What? "
" Take off the glasses. "
" Why? "
Daniel asks.
" Because I asked you to. "
" C'mon ma, it's California. It's the look. "
Nice cover up.
Really wouldn't want his mom
to worry about his eye...
" Take em off, I wanna see your baby browns! "
She says, smiling.
While I on other hand try to hold in my laughter.
Baby browns...
" Ma, c'mon with the baby browns. "
Daniel scoffs, knowing he just wants to leave
at this time now.
" Are you on somethin? "
A concerned expression appeared on her face.
" Yeah, I'm on Minute Maid. "
Daniel replies waving the toast around,
taking my arm and pulling me out the door
but once again,
" Why are you hiding your eyes?? "
A worried tone overcomes in his moms voice.
" I'm not hiding my eyes, Ma! "
" Then take off the glasses. "
" Ma, c'mon! "

" Daniel just take em off? "
I say to the side.
" Now! "
Lucille points to the table.
Daniel having no other choice, he looks at me then back to his mom.
He took it off revealing the biggest bruise
just beaming outta his right eye.
Just as I thought.
It looked worse compared to last night...
" My God! How did that happen? Huh?
What happened?  "
His mom stands up from the table,
making her way over to us.
" I- I-, I- "
" He fell of his bike, that's what happened,
Mrs. LaRusso. "
I chimed in the conversation, both their heads turning to me.
" Yeah, yeah. And I wore the glasses
so you wouldn't worry.
It looks worse than it feels. "
" Don't do that. It's gonna make it worse. "
His mom quickly swiping his hand away before it touched his eye.
" Ma, it doesn't hurt. "
" Can you see? "
" I- I can see fine, alright! "
" Do you wanna stay home from school? "
" No, no, i've gotta go. "
He kisses her on the cheek.
" You sure? "
She asks again, being sure.
" Yeah Ma, Y/n and I needa get goin.
Okay? We'll see ya later. "
He drags me outta the apartment.
" Thanks for the quick breakfast, Mrs. LaRusso! "
I shout taking the piece of toast form his hand.
" Make sure he doesn't fall off
his bike again, sweetie! "
I hear Lucille yell before Daniel got the chance to close the door.
Oh I will.

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now