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I woke up to the Tv still playing.
A different movie was on in the background,
the sunlight beaming
from my window.

Crap, I guess I forgot to turn the tv off last night...
I sat up when I suddenly felt someone move
right next to me.
It was Daniel...
But he was facing away from me.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHITT!
I turn my head back to the tv, then to Daniel, then back to the tv,
AND THEN back to Daniel.
Quite unsure of what to do...
" Um... "
I bit my lip, looking at the clock.
" It's 6:32 am?!? "
I whisper-shouted, panicking especially since we have school in 30 minutes!
I see him stir on my bed, his face facing me with some hair covering his face.
He looks so?


" Y/n? "
In a groggy voice, he sits up from the bed, rubbing his eyes.
I guess the panicking from my head somehow woke Daniel up.
" Daniel? I thought-
I thought you went home last night? "
I stand up from the bed, trying to wake
myself up.
" No I uh, I guess I ended up falling asleep while watching the movie. "
He says with his voice still all groggy.
I don't think he's aware we've got school in less than 30 minutes.
" You should get home. Your mom- "
" What? Why? I just woke up? "
He cuts me off.
" We got school in 30 minutes...
And your mom is probably wondering
where you spent the night, dude. "
I say with a worried look on my face.
" Crap, I forgot we got school the next day. "
" Yup which is exactly why you should probably start heading home? "
" Shit, yeah. What time is it again? "
He asks scratching his head.
" 6:35- "
All- Alright, I'll uh, I'll see you in school Y/n! "
He jumps up the bed, quickly putting his shoes on and zoomed out the door.
" Wait Daniel, your bag! "
I shout and he stumbles back falling.
" You okay? "
I laugh helping him up as I hand him his bag.
" Yeah, yeah, yeah. "
He stands up, hearing his charming laugh
at the end.
" See ya, Y/n! "
Hearing him race to the door of my apartment.
" What an idiot. "
I laugh, sitting on my vanity.
I change, get ready, and leave for school.

Passing by Daniel's apartment, 
I wonder if he's still home or already left for school.
I hope we didn't do anything when
he accidentally slept over?
We were in the same bed after all...
I'm probably overthinking it.

At School ~

I see Daniel and Ali by the cashier from outside.
Now I wasn't eavesdropping but I could their conversation.

" Why's that? "
Daniel asks as he put his money in his pocket.
" Because it's over. "
Ali already making her way to the door.

" Over? Wait, how over? "
I over hear him say from inside.
" Weeks. "
Ali simply shrugs her shoulders,
" Hey, Y/n. "
She smiles and waves to me before heading to one of the tables.
" Hey Ali. "
I say back, almost dropping my lunch tray,
It being so full with food since I didn't eat any breakfast.
" One week? Five weeks?
How many weeks is "weeks"?
Daniel says walking out the door.
This boy has no chance...
I laugh in my head.
" Hey Casanova. "
I say coming up to him, and he was sort
of in a rush?
" Hey Daniel. You know, I was thinking we could talk about- "
" Oh Y/n. I know we uh sit together
every lunch but,
I- I'm- I'm sitting with Ali.
  Y- You can join if you want? "
He offers but,
" Oh.
Oh no that's okay, thank you though.
Don't wanna be third wheeling. "
I nervously laugh as he nods along,
keeping his eyes on Ali.
" And you could probably shoot your shot. "
I slightly nudge him by the arm.
" Yeah, ma-maybe.
Sorry Y/n, but I gotta go, see ya! "
Daniel brushes past a few people, making his way to the table Ali was already sitting down in.
" Yeah, I'll see you, around... "
My words fading as he got farther.
" Okay, guess I'll have to sit with the guys.
No harm in that? "
I shrug my shoulders, making my way to their table.

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now