Wax On, Wax Off?

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The next morning,
Daniel and I got ready and ate breakfast.
" The bandage isn't coming off, is it? "
Daniel asks me as he buttons up his blue checkered flannel.
"  No Daniel, it isn't. Don't worry. "
I chuckled putting my jacket on.
Still wearing the clothes I wore to sleep last night since I didn't have any clothes.
I looked like a homeless person...
" Okay, you uh ready? "
He opens the door.
" I look fine wearing this, right? "
I gestured to my outfit, since I did indeed have to borrow clothes from him.
" Yeah! You look fine.
You look great with my clothes on"
Daniel shrugged, smiling before we
both headed out of his apartment
and went straight to Mr. Miyagi's place for us to go to that karate place.
I feel myself blush at his comment...
Daniel and I were just by the stairs when I remembered I left my walkman and headphones.
I cannot go anywhere without em...
If I do, I'll be bored!

" Wait! I- I forgot something.
Just go ahead Daniel! "
I yell scurrying back up the stairs.
" What? What'd you forget?!
Wait the keys! "
Daniel yells back getting up a few steps before I ran back to get them.
That blue flannel really suits him...
That weird feeling started pouring into my stomach again..
" My walkman...
Thanks! "
I smile grabbing the keys and speed my walk up to his apartment.
" Don't be long! "
" I promise! "

Scurrying into his room, I grab my headphones and walkman
that were just by his nightstand.
Right as I was about to leave...
Being stupid my foot got stuck on the wire which made me fall.
" Ooh! Y/n! You okay?! "
Daniel yells and I hear him laugh a little.
" Yup! Just- just go on ahead! "
I yell back, checking on the on my walkman since I heard something snap as I fell.
" Oh no, no, no! "
Freaking out I see the wire had snapped into 2,
connecting the headphones and my walkman together.
" Shit! I can't fix this? "
Still kneeling on the ground, still figuring out a way how I could mend it.
But that wasn't possible...
I wasn't a technician???
Or someone who can fix radios or whatever you call em?
Besides the wire, the case broke too...
That's when I remembered there's a radio shop a few blocks from the karate place.
I'd always go there every time the buttons on my walkman wouldn't operate.
Dusting myself off, and I check if I got a few bucks in my pocket.
I remembered I took some out of pants this morning...
Just to my luck a little bit over 20 dollars.
Finally locking the door, and exiting the apartment,
I hurry down the stairs to Mr. Miyagi's maintenance place.
Running through the hallway I see Mr. Miyagi's truck parked out front,
Daniel being at the driver's seat and Mr. Miyagi just right outside
holding the passengers door open.

He can drive?

" Oh, morning Y/n-San. "
Mr. Miyagi greets me, skipping closer towards em.
" Morning Mr. Miyagi.
What's uh- What's going on? "
I smile before the old man ushers me to hop in the car.
" What took you so long to get down? "
Daniel questioned me, gripping the steering wheel.
" Broke my walkman. But it's fine, I'll pass by the radio store. "
I say holding it up as he nods.
" Okay, let's go. "
Mr Miyagi says getting comfy.
" Since when did you know how to drive? "
I question Daniel,
scooting closer as Mr. Miyagi finally sat comfortably.
" Since never... "
He whispers, to the side.


" Then what are you- " 
"You uh know how drive, yes? "
Mr. Miyagi cuts me off.
feeling the door shut close.
" Yeah, yeah I do. But uh, like I said I'm not very good at it. "
Daniel answers and he knew he was lying...
Mr. Miyagi just nods.
" Well, I don't really have a license yet. "
He tries to argue with it.
" Yeah, he doesn't. "
I add agreeing, catching Daniel roll his eyes at my comment.
" Me neither. "
To my surprise, Mr. Miyagi says casually.
" Alright, I guess it's okay then. "
Daniel smirks to me then starts the car.
I lean back thinking...
"What did I just get myself into???"
That's when he stepped on the gas. The truck stopping then going every second.
" Daniel! Relax! "
I laugh holding onto the dash of the car as we stopped every second.
" I did say I wasn't very good at it? "
Daniel sighs as he adjusted his seating position.
" This is it.
We're gonna die... "
" No we're not! "
Daniel who jokingly stepped on the pedal too much
which zoomed the car, before he quickly stepped on the break.
" Shit, okay...
Slowly step on the gas. "
I emphasized before I looked down to see both of his feet,
one on the break and the other gas pedal.
" Using one foot. "
I sigh rolling my eyes as I took his left foot off the break.
" Whoa, whoa, whoa! Then what do I use to break? "
He freaks out,
" The same foot, dingus! "
I argue gently slapping the back of his head. Suddenly hearing Mr. Miyagi chuckle next to me.
" Better let girl drive. "
He chuckles, both Daniel and I who are heated in the moment look to him,
then to each other.
" I mean- "
" No way! I'm not lettin' her drive. "
Daniel said all defensively while I didn't mind at all of course.
" Suit yourself pal.
It ain't my fault if we crash. "
" We're not gonna crash! "
Daniel objected and I had to conceal my laughter inside.
Sometimes it's just fun to get him pissed off.
" Alright, alright! Let's go!
I'm just messin with ya. "
I chuckle sitting up.
Daniel huffing before we continued to sort of drive to that karate place. Sort of because he's break every second he'd press the gas...
Oh who do I bother???

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now