Stupid Cobra Kai's/Handsome?

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" Would you slow down? "
I almost shout, trying to keep up with Daniel.
See, we were on our way to meet his mom
for lunch. Well, he was,
I was just dropping him off and would get some takeout and then get back home...
I was riding my skateboard as he biked.
" You're just slow! "
He shouts looking back from his bike.
" You're on a bike! It's unfair! "
I push with my right foot, still trying
to match his speed.
" God Damnit! "

We finally reached the restaurant and he rested his bike on a pole by the sidewalk, leaving my skateboard under his bike.
His head was turned to the Karate place.
Is he thinking, what I think,
he's thinking?
I see Mrs. LaRusso by the window, she was setting up the table.
Daniel jogs over and knocks on the glass window, getting the attention of his mom.
I wave to her and she waves back with a smile.
" Come on. "
I pant, ushering him to go to the restaurant.
" Hang on a minute."
He pulls me back with the hood of my jacket
causing me to almost fall.
" Just one second, just one second. "
He mouths to his mom, pointing
to the Karate place.
Oh no...
His mom agrees and he already starts
making his way there.
" Daniel, wait! "
I stop him, and in doing so he does.
" I don't think it's a good idea for us to go there. "
I tug on the sleeve of his red jacket.
" Why not? We'll just be quick, I promise. "
Daniel was pumped to see the place.
" Your mom said- "
" My mom said it was fine as long as we'll be quick.
Why won't you go?
You scared? "
He taunts with a smirk, I was getting annoyed,
but more on worried...
" No I'm not, I'm just saying- "
" Then come on! "
He ends up dragging me along with him as we ran to the place.

" I told you it's not a good idea. "
We were right in front of the door.
" This'll only take a minute, Y/n.
What's the worst that could happen? "
I don't think he knew Johnny and the rest of his group did Karate here...

"Pain does not exist in this Dojo, does it?"
"No Sensai!"
"Defeat does not exist in this Dojo, does it?"
"No Sensai!"
We hear them doing a class as we slowly entered the room.

" Okay, you checked the place out.
Now lets go. "
I whisper, my hand already on his shoulder.
" Sssshhh, wait Y/n. We just got here. " 
Whispering back and forth to each other, he pulls me back.

Holy shit, this guy just won't listen!!!


We hear the instructor say.
Daniel leans against a wall as I stood behind.
Watching them from behind since they were all facing away from us.
"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir!"
All of them answer,
their manly voices echoing the room.
I see Daniel sit down on a bench as ushers me to sit down too.
I roll my eyes sitting next to him.
I could see Johnny make his way to the front,
but I don't think Daniel noticed.
We should leave...
" Come on, Daniel. I think you've seen enough.
I told you this wasn't such a good idea.
Now can we please
just go already- "
I whisper, standing up from the bench.
" Just a few more minutes.
Why don't you think it was such a
good idea to go here? "
He cuts me off, a frustrated look on his face.
I sigh rolling my eyes.
" See for yourself. "
I cock my head, telling him to look forward.
They all bow and there we could see
Johnny Lawrence right up front.
He spot us, sending a mischievous side grin.
Daniel looks up to me, realizing as to why.
He shakes his head, standing up.
"Fighting positions.
Jab punch!"
We hear Johnny yell as we made our way
out the door.
" Hey I'm sorry. "
I follow behind him.
He opens the door making me go out first and I see him take one quick look before we left.
" It's okay. Forget about him.
We- we should go, your mom's waiting for you. "
I say walking next to Daniel.

Daniel LaRusso (The Karate Kid ) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now