Part 4

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Ethan joined me in the covers after a few minutes. I was turned with my back against him and he was turned facing my back. We weren't lying close though. Not touching at least.

"I borrowed a pair of sweatpants from Sam but I don't have a shirt to sleep in. I hope that's okay." He said.

"Uhm yeah that's okay." I said slowly.

God, I couldn't even begin to imagine him shirtless now. In high school was different.

"So should we talk about what's been going on between us these past few days? Or at least today?" He asked.

I turned around to face him. Half his face was being lit up by the moonlight, shining through my window. His skin glistening. Only his bottom half was covered so I could now see him shirtless. I refrained from dropping my jaw when I saw his chiseled abdomen and his muscle filled arms. I thought this man only studied. I guess not. I brought my hand up to his cheek and stroked it with my thumb. His eyes were moving from my left and right eye. He was nervous.

"I don't know what this is Ethan. I don't know how to feel about all of this." I said quietly.

"Let me teach you." He almost whispered, meeting my voice level.

"I'm scared Ethan."

"Of what?" He asked genuinely curious.

"Of falling. Of getting hurt. Getting betrayed."

"I wouldn't. I care for you." He said.

"They all say that."

"I'm not like everyone else. I'm something different."

"Oh yeah? Do tell."

"I'd treat you like you deserve. I know what's happened to you. I connected the dots earlier. And I know I am going to protect you." He said moving a piece of hair out of my face and putting it behind my ear.

I smiled.

"Now if you allow me." He said moving closer.

We were just an inch away when I whispered to him.

"Maybe we should take it slow though."

"Yeah maybe we should." He whispered.

"Then why can't I stop?" I said before I connected our lips.

In that moment it was like his lips were made for mine. It was like I was dying and he was my lifeline. Like I was sinking and he was my lifeboat. My lifeguard. As his hand met my cheek I let myself sink into him. Melting at his touch. I moved my hand down his arm and onto his abdomen. My hand gliding against his structure. The only thing being heard in the dark being our heavy breaths. I raised myself so I could straddle him. I got onto his lap and bent down so I could keep kissing him as he was lying down.

His hands moved on my waist down to my hips. He twirled his fingers into my shirt and tugged it a little. I interrupted our kiss by taking off my shirt, revealing a black lace bra that he had seen earlier that night. I tossed the shirt on the floor before I let his hand touch my bare skin as I bent down once more to kiss him. His hands slid up my waist and onto my lower back. Then back down to my hips. I kept my hands on his cheeks as I kept kissing him. His lips soft and his tongue moving rhythmically with mine. Like one perfect melody. That's when I felt it underneath me. Yes. I mean IT. That's when I realized we were going far. I had only known him four days since we reunited. What was I doing?

"Wait." I said breathlessly into the kiss.

I sat up, still on his lap. My chest rising and falling as well as his as we were catching our breath.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now