Part 5

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I woke up the next morning and stretched out to find the other side of the bed empty. Ethan wasn't there. I sat up to find myself only in my underwear. I had taken off my shirt while making out with Ethan the night before and I must've kicked my sweatpants off in my sleep since they were loose. He probably woke up to see me like that. God that's embarrassing. I looked down on the floor from his side of the bed to see his shirt that he wore the night before. I grabbed it and put it on. It covered enough so I thought it was decent and then walked out of the room without pants. Only wearing my underwear and his shirt.

I got out to meet the scent of food. Eggs and bacon. I could feel it from outside my room. And I immediately knew it was Ethan. He loved eggs and bacon. I walked into the kitchen to see Ethan with no shirt and gray sweatpants, stand in front of the stove cooking. My god he looked so handsome. His back muscles being perfectly visible. He turned around when he heard me approaching. Jesus. He looked even better from the front.

"Oh hey. I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He said walking up to me, taking me in his arms and kissing me on the forehead.

"No you didn't." I said tired.

"Okay good. I wanted you to sleep in."

"Thank you. Are you cooking eggs and bacon?" I asked.

"Yeah I am." He said turning back around to face the stove.

I crept up behind him and slid my hands around his waist. Holding him as he was cooking.

"Did you take my shirt?" He asked with a laugh.

"Mmmh, maybe." I said. "And what about it?"

"Nothing. It looks good on you. I just get deja vu is all."

I chuckled. I always used to take Ethan's sweatshirts and hoodies in high school. I sighed deeply still holding him.

"You tired?" He asked.

"Mmhmm." I said my voice croaky.

"Get back go bed then princess i'll bring breakfast to you."

"Really?" I asked getting excited.

"Yeah of course." He said turning back around.

He moved a piece of hair behind my ear and bent down to kiss me. I was a bit shorter than Ethan. I then turned around and walked back into the bedroom and waited. I grabbed my phone on the nightstand and crawled into bed again, sitting against the headboard.

I opened my phone to see multiple texts from my mother. Just then she called me. I picked up the phone and brought it to my ear.

"Ay Mija, I was so afraid something had happened to you." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"I read the articles."

"Oh mami I swear I'm okay. Ethan's here. Remember him?"

"Sí, claro mija. I missed him you know. He's a good kid." (Yes of course.)

"Yo se. Preguntó cómo estabas." (I know. He asked how you were.)

"Oh I'm good. I was just worried about you. ¿Estás bien?" (Are you okay?)

"Sí mamá. Lo estoy haciendo bien. Ethan ha sido amable conmigo." (Yes mom. I'm doing good. Ethan has been kind to me.)

"Bien. Vale. I have to get to work but I love you so much. Stay safe. Okay?" (Good. Well.)

"Okay mamá. I love you."

I then hung up. That's when Ethan came back into the room. He was holding a tray with two plates and two cups. He sat down and gave me the tray. I took one of the plates and cups and he took the other. There was a cup of tea in mine. He knew I didn't like coffee. He had coffee in his. On the plate was the eggs and bacon he had just cooked. He gave me a fork and we both started to eat together.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now