Part 10

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I woke up in an ambulance. I fluttered my eyes open to see that I was still by our apartment. I had been stitched up and I couldn't feel a thing. I'm guessing that the EMT's gave me a bunch of numbing drugs. I groaned as I sat up. At the edge of the open ambulance was Tara, Mindy and Chad. I was covered in a blanket so I took it and wrapped it around my arms before I stood up and sat down in between Tara and Mindy. Chad stood up and leaned against the door of the ambulance.

"Hey guys." I said softly.

"Oh my god Julie are you okay?" Tara said taking me in her arms.

"Yeah. I'm good. I can't feel a thing." I said numb.

I looked at Mindy.

"I'm so sorry Mindy. I should've let her go first." I said.

"No it wasn't your fault. But I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." Mindy said.

I sighed. I just stared into the nothingness letting my mind go blank.


I approached Julie's apartment building after I had been there yesterday as Ghostface. There were a bunch of ambulances and police. I had stabbed Julie yesterday. I had to. I couldn't let my feelings for her give anything away. I walked under the crime scene tape and started approaching everyone. I had to put up a front. I couldn't let anyone see that I knew anything about any of this.

"Chad." I said as our eyes met.

He started approaching me quickly and grabbed onto my collar. He then slammed me into a police van.

"Where were you?!" He yelled.

"What when?" I asked.


"I had Econ! You know this!"

"Bullshit man!" He said as he slammed me against the van again.

"I was in a study hall with a hundred other people you can ask any of them." I said putting my hands up as to tell him to back off.

He let me go.

"Fuck man." He muttered to himself.

I can't wait to kill him.

I walked up to the ambulance everyone was in.

"Stay the fuck back. You're at the top of my list." Mindy said.

"I had Econ!" I said.

That's when I looked down at Julie. She was completely ruined.

"Julie." I said.


"Julie" I heard.

I felt frozen. I could hear my heartbeat and my vision was blurry still. I could hear my breath.

That's when I felt someone's hand on my chin. Making me look up at them. Ethan. My Ethan. My beautiful Ethan.

"Ethan." I said quietly.

I stood up and kissed him passionately.

"Oh." I heard Tara say behind me.

Ethan kissed me back with the same passion. I felt bad for not believing him and I bet he felt bad for leaving me. I pulled away and put both my hands on his cheeks, studying his beautiful brown eyes before I took him in my arms.

"I'm sorry Ethan. I'm so sorry. I was an idiot. I believe you." I said.

"No hey don't apologize. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you yesterday." He said giving me a kiss on my head as he kept holding me.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now