Part 13

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As the lights were flickering I knew something was wrong. I gripped onto Ethan's hand tightly. I was trying to breathe but my heart was pounding.

"Hey are you okay princess?" He asked.

"No. Something's wrong." I said.

We started looking around and saw a bunch of people with Ghostface masks and black cloaks. God. People made me sick. But I suppose that it's the same as wearing any other serial killer costume. Like Freddy Cruger. We had 10 stops in total. The stops came and went.

We were just about to leave the ninth stop when the lights went out completely. Ethan pulled me into his arms, trying to comfort me. The lights came back on right before our stop.

We pulled away and started looking for Mindy. As the train stopped and people were getting off, we spotted Mindy on the ground.

"Oh shit!" Ethan said and we both started rushing towards her aid.

"Mindy!" I called out.

Ethan grabbed a hold of her as she groaned. He had her leaning on his shoulder as we all walked out of the train.

"Somebody call 911!" Ethan called out.

We let Mindy rest against a pole as we crouched down to be on her level.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She was sweating and groaning.

"Yeah never better." She said in pain.

Me and Ethan both shared a quick glance.

"God I can't believe I got it wrong again." She said and now realized that since Quinn and Annika was dead and Ethan was here with us when she was stabbed then they couldn't possibly be Ghostface.

Both me and Ethan were stressed and didn't know what to do.

"Help!" I called out.

Just then we saw security guards and medical help run towards us. Me and Ethan stood up to let them have room to help Mindy.

Ethan turned to me.

"You have to go warn the others. I'll stay with Mindy." He said.

"What? No we can't separate. I can't leave you!" I said protesting.

He grabbed onto my face and held it in between his hands.

"There's no time. Run as fast as you can. And tell them Ghostface is coming."


"Julie please." He said.

He kissed me passionately before looking back down at me.

"Julie I love you so much. But you have to go. Just stay safe." He said backing up.

I wasn't moving.

"Go!" He said.

I hesitated before I started running. I ran past the crowd of people in costumes and out from the subway station. As I ran along the streets I could only pray that Mindy and Ethan were going to be okay. My heart was pounding in my chest and my breath was heavy as I let the wind pass through my hair. I reached the alley that the theatre was in and ran through the alley. I reached the theatre and ran in right before Kirby locked it.

The entire friend group turned to me as I ran in out of breath. Kirby let me into the theatre and locked it behind me.

"Julie what happened? Where is Mindy and Ethan!" Chad said raising his voice.

"Mindy got stabbed on the train. Ethan is staying with her. She's in medical hands don't worry." I said still trying to catch my breath.

I looked out towards the rest of the group.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now