Part 15

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"You're Richie's family? Sam asked.

Bailey nodded.


That's when Ethan lept forward and sliced up another part of Sam's arm.

"Ding ding ding! They're finally starting to get it!" Ethan said stepping back.

Ethan walked around us on one side and Quinn on the other.

"And when I saw the actual photograph of what you'd done to him that I knew. I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished!" Bailey yelled.

Quinn was standing in front of me with her knife just under my chin. I looked up at her with such hatred. I had been betrayed. Lied to. Stabbed. Sliced. And I was not going to take it anymore. They had to fucking die.

"Oh there she is." Quinn said slowly moving the knife to my throat.

"There's the fucking killer." She continued.

She forgot that I was still holding my knife.

"That's right bitch." I said.

I lifted the knife and stabbed her in the arm and she stepped back as she groaned in pain.

"Real great parenting job by the way!" Tara said.

"Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn yelled pushing us all into the middle again.

Ethan grabbed onto my arm harshly and pulled me in. Trying to make it seem like he was going to hurt me.

"I'm not going to hurt you Jules. Just play along. I've got a plan. I love you so much." He said.

"What?" I whispered.

"Pretend like I hurt you. Now!"

I let out a scream as he pushed me back. I looked at him confused. He wasn't going to hurt me? That's when Bailey spoke up.

"Have I been a perfect father? No. Have I maybe overindulged in Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe. For me, they're just a little dark. But... Richie really loved them." He said almost getting emotional.

I stepped back and accidentally bumped into Ethan. He grabbed a hold of me and held a knife up to my neck.

"Play along. This will all be over soon. You'll make it out alive. I just have to pretend like I'm on my father's side." Ethan whispered.

"Richie even made a few movies of his own. Did you know?" Bailey continued.

We all turned towards the drapes that were projecting one of Richie's movies. Richie was speaking to the camera and I looked up at Ethan and Quinn who were clearly hurt by having to watch it.

"Let me go." I whispered to Ethan.

"I can't. Not now." He whispered back.

I hated the way that Ethan's scent still lingered and reminded me of a happy place. It killed me that he had to turn out to be Ghostface. Bailey walked up the stairs and onto the main stage. Walking towards the drapes where Richie's movie was playing.

"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son." Bailey said looking up at Richie.

I looked up at Ethan who clearly felt hurt by what his father was saying. His hand that was holding me was shaking. I reached my hand back and stroked him on his back. Everything he was doing was for his father. To make him proud and to avenge his brother.

"It's okay." I whispered.

His eyes went from hurt. To rage. He gripped onto the knife that was around my neck tightly and as his father turned around he put more pressure against my neck with his knife.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now