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During the last three weeks, Sam had come to see Yu Teng all, and he is loving to be exclusive and not to have to fuck with a bunch of random men. After Yu Teng's little speech, Sam doesn't tried again to pay for the whole without being there for the whole night, he just stays there until Yu Teng's shift over and he can take him home. Always a street after his real house, he lets Sam drive him home, because for some reason he feels safe with him. Yu Teng likes Sam, he likes his company and the way he treats him.

Usually they fuck, talk or just stay together doing nothing, sometimes, they sleep a little too. Yu Teng already noticed that Sam has no rush to back home when he is there, he also knows, because of the ring on Sam's finger, that he is married, he never asked anything about that, and Sam never said anything too, a lot of his clients are married, men who are tired of them marriages, using whores for get what they can't get in home, so is not a new thing for him.

Yu Teng doesn't care if Sam is married, he knows that what they have never gone be more them this client - whore relationship, and for now, he is okay with that. He already is tired of dreaming with a prince that arrives and saves him from this hell, he had enough disappointments already, guys who treated him like a god until they got tired of him and went to fuck another bitch, and because at the end of the day, they always back to they perfect lifes.


Right now, Yu Teng is in class, listening to his teacher explain the many ways you can cut a cow, but he can only think that for the first time in three weeks, Sam won't be able to show up.

"I'll have to spend the night finishing some reports at work," Sam said when the clock struck five in the morning, and they started to get dressed. "I won't be able to come tomorrow."

"O-okay," Yu Teng doesn't quite know how to react to this. Sam doesn't come means he's going to have to spend the night getting fucked by a lot of guys.

He's been doing this for years, but three weeks was enough for him to get used to not wanting to die every time he gets fucked.

"I can pay for...," Sam tried to suggest.

"We not going to have this conversation again," Yu Teng's voice is firm and Sam doesn't try again.

He mentally thanks him for that, if Sam kept trying he would probably accept. Maybe he can don't work tomorrow, with all the money he's making with Sam, the brothel owners couldn't complain, but he cannot risk losing his place here. Working on "We Best Love" was one of the best things that ever happened to Yu Teng, here he has the security he didn't have when he worked on the streets, and this saves him a good amount of money by not having to spend on medicine or hospital, every time a client decides to be violent.

So he goes to have to work tonight.

"Yang Yu Teng, can you answer the question?" Yu Teng's teacher asks him.

Of course, he knows the answer, he can't afford not to know the answer.


After college, Yu Teng goes straight to the French bakery that he works in the afternoon. This is his everyday routine, woke early and go to college, lunch and go to the bakery, dinner and go to the brothel.

At first, he was afraid that someone from college or work would find out what he does at night, but for some reason, it never happened. He's seen many acquaintances in the Paradise Street, but always, or they didn't see him or he managed to convince them that he was there for the same reason they were. When he started working at the bakery two years ago, when he was starting his gastronomy course, Yu Teng hoped that he would no longer need his night job, but the money he earns here is not enough to pay for college, his parents's debt and basic necessities, like food, so after a month he had to go back to doing programs.

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