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As I wake up I hear a notification on my phone and it was the unknown caller again. It says:

                             Unknown number: "Hey it's me again, have you made up your mind, but again I don't mind if you can't but it would be great to see you there. " they said.

Y/n:" Oh right the party, I'm not sure yet but I'll think about it, and do you mind telling me your name" I reply back.

                           Unknown number:"Oh wow you replied, but ok I'm excited to see you if you do go, and you'll find out my name at the party beautiful " they replied.

Y/n: "Umm okay, I'll see you there, I'll text you later if I do go tomorrow, I need to get ready, bye" I said

Tom's pov:

I hope she decides to go. Gosh I'm so excited now. "Tom hurry up, you bitch" bill says. "Dang chill I'm coming, hold on" I say. Wow a great way to start a morning.

As I walk through the school doors I see y/n talking to Katherine, gosh she's so pretty. Should I go talk to her?? No that's stupid she'll probably think I'm gonna say something mean. Oh and she's wearing the necklace I had bought her.

"Tom, are you there, snap out of it" gustav says while waving his hand in my face. "Huh" I say. " Why are you looking at y/n, do you like her again, " georg asks? "Umm no, pff, me, no way" I say while walking away embarrassed.

As I walk away the bell rings and I see y/n running to her class. I smile while watching her run. So I follow her since her class is mine too. As I walk in the class I her out of breath so I chuckle, while admiring her. When I feel someone slap the back of my head.

"Hey what the fuck" I say as I turn around seeing who slapped me I see the teacher with a disappointed face on. "Language, and detention, go now!! " he yells. "Woah chill man" I say as I see y/n chuckling. " miss y/n, you get a detention as well" he says as I look at her with a smirk. " what I didn't do anything " she says. "Now!! " he says as she runs to the hallway. I follow her speed walking.

As we get into detention I try to sit down signaling her to sit next to me but she just sits far away. I'm kinda of sad but I kinda get why she's mad.

"Hey, y/n" I whisper over to her. "What do you want now Tom" she whispers back over to me. "SILENCE YOU TWO!!" the teacher says in a loud angry voice. I just pass a note instead, writing down ' are you going to the party' I threw the note over to her desk. She looks at me with a angry confused. I see her writing down something. As the note she threw lands on my desk I open it to see' yea why, are you going too? ' it says. I nod over to her. And she smiles at me. I smile back while feeling kinda of happy that she's going to my party.

As detention was over I walk away looking back to see y/n still packing so I walk back into the room and help her. "Oh thanks Tom" she says smiling "No problem, anything for you" I smile back at her. As we are done packing her things she kisses my cheek walking away. I stood there frozen thinking what just happened now. I hold my cheek where she kissed. I feel my face heat up.

Y/ns POV:

That was very kind of Tom to do. I still wonder that thing that bill had said a coupe days ago. But I just walk to my next class seeing georg there so I wave to him and I sit next to him. He smiles and waves back.

Georg is also really kind and sarcastic, that's what I like about him. He's also very thoughtful and sweet like Gustav but a little bit less. We sometimes do his hair as well it's really fun to do when we are bored. He's also like a brother to me.

The teacher is pairing us up with a partner for the project. I get paired with someone named Anthony. He's kinda cute also. After we get some work done the bell rings and Anthony gives me his number in the hall. He says " if you want to work with me at my house, I'm free, so call me" he says.

As I close my locker I see Tom with a jealous face and he walks away with gustav and georg. "Hey y/n" I hear bills voice. " hey bill" I say. "Are you going to the party tomorrow, I'm going by the way" he says smiling. "Oh  uh yea I'm going also " I say. "Great I'll see you later" he says hugging me goodbye.

I hope you guys liked this part I will be making another one today probably because I love making stories. The next part will for sure be the party. There's this one question I would like to ask though.
But this will kinda of be a spoiler, ok should tom or y/n be drunk?? If you guys don't answer that's okay I'll just pick. But yeah I live you guys bye😁

TOM KAULITZ love story With Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now