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Y/ns POV:

I groan as I hear the sound of my loud alarm. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and my skincare. When I finished I went to look through my messy closet. I got out an outfit.

The outfit:

I also did my hair and makeup

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I also did my hair and makeup. When I was finished I got notification from my phone, it was from bill.

Bill: hey y/n, I was just asking if you were going to the party, I forgot if you said yes or not.

Y/n: yes I'm going, hey and btw do you know who's party it is?

Bill: Yes I do it's Tom's party why?

Y/n: oh really

Bill: yeah, no one told you??

Y/n: nope, but I'll ttyl I have to finish getting ready.

Bill: okay bye I love ya.

Y/n: bye

I still can't believe it's Tom throwing the party. So he must've been the unknown caller."Y/n honey, hurry up, you're gonna be late for school" she said. "Coming ma" I said.

A few minutes later at school......

As I was getting my things from my locker somebody tapped my shoulder, it was Tom. "Hey y/n, are you going to that party? " he said. " You mean your party, and yes I'm going why, you asked me that yesterday, I don't you remember" I said shutting my locker closed. He rolled his eyes.

As me and Tom were walking to our class I saw Anthony. I waved at him and he waved back. "Hey y/n, you look beautiful today" he said smiling. "Thank you Anthony you look good today as well" I said while blushing. I look over at Tom and he looks jealous and then he just walks away leaving me behind. I was confused at his behavior. But I just walked in the classroom and I see Katherine. She waved and signaled me to sit down.

As me and Katherine were talking she then told me to come closer and she said, " Y/n, Tom keeps looking at you, do you know why" she asked? " No I don't but he did seem mad a few minutes ago in the hall" I said as I look over at Tom and he looked away laying his head back down on his desk.

Later on in class I decide to ask what's wrong with him. "Tom" I say tapping his shoulder. " what now?" He said in an angry tone. "Are you okay, you seem awfully quiet today" I say looking at him. "Yes I'm fine y/n now please leave me alone and let me sleep" he said laying back down. So I let him sleep for the rest of the period. I kept looking at him in class a little worried if he was okay.

When the bell rang I decided to wake him up. " Tom, Tom" I said shaking him. He woke up. "Is class over yet" he asked sleepy. "Yeah it is now wake up for your next class" I say. " okay" he said stretching.

A couple periods later.......

As me and bill walked to lunch I saw Tom so I waved at him. When he saw me he looked at me then walked away, seeming grumpy about something. I look over at bill shrugging my shoulders in confusion. Me, bill, Katherine, georg, Gustav, and Tom sat at a lunch table. Bill whispered to me. "Do you know what's wrong with him because he won't tell me" he asked? " I don't know either and he slept the whole period and he was mad at something or somebody, I don't know" I said shrugging.

A few hours later and back at home...

"Cmon y/n I don't have all day" Katherine yelled.
"Hold on, I'm almost ready, give me 5 more minutes" I yelled back.
"Okay, I'm gonna count and if you're not ready by then I'm leaving you" she yelled. Now I seriously need to hurry up, all I need to do is put my earrings in and get my shoes on. This is what your outfit looks like:
You can also just think of a type of hairstyle you think that would like good with it.

As I walked down the stairs I heard"omg y/n, you're so fucking hot girl, you're gonna get all of the boys attention, especially tom" she said with a smirk on her face

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As I walked down the stairs I heard"omg y/n, you're so fucking hot girl, you're gonna get all of the boys attention, especially tom" she said with a smirk on her face. "Yeah right, anyway let's just go" I said.

A few minutes later.........

As we got to the party we saw Bill, georg, Gustav, and tom arriving in the driveway of the party. "Y/n, it's so nice to see you here" bill said hugging me. "You too bill" I said pulling away from the hug. "Hey, y/n it's good to see you " tom said hugging me. "You too tom" he hugged him back. I'm guessing that Toms mood changed."Omg cmon guys stop hugging let's go party, I heard there was alcohol" Katherine said dragging me inside.

After a couple of drinks I started getting really drunk and I saw Katherine with some other guy. "Where's Bill!!! " I yelled. "Woah, y/n calm down are you okay" bill said coming up behind me. "I missed you, how dare you leave me" I started crying. "Hold on let me go get Tom-" he said. "NO HE HATES ME" I yelled in Bill's face while falling on the ground but he still went to go get him.

Tom's POV:

I wonder where y/n is, I hope she's not kissing anybody. I saw bill running up to me and grabbing my arm. "Cmon Tom it's y/n, she needs you" he said as he pulled me. "What happened, is she okay" I asked worried.

As we got to y/n I picked her up and carried her into my room. "Tom? " she said. "What y/n" I said back. "Do you hate me" she asked laying down on my bed. "No why" I said confused. "Because ever since our mom's stopped being friends you've been mean to me and you haven't talked to me since then, also at school you ignored me the whole time, I was so sad" she said with a sad face and tears started running down her face. "Y/n I don't hate you, i-i like you" I said nervously. I saw her blushing and I thought she was cute. She sat up and pulled me onto the bed and started hugging me, I'm glad we're getting along. I kissed her head and went back to hugging her.

" I like you too, Tom, I always had, and I don't want you to leave me again" she said with a shaky voice. "Okay I won't, I promise you" I say looking into her eyes and wiping her tears. She smiled and went cuddled the rest of the night.

I love her so much.


  I'm not quite sure what to do for the next part but if any of you have ideas I would love to hear them and oh my god I loved this part so much, even though I had no idea before I still managed to come up with something like this😁😁I love you guys, bye. 😁

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