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(The sound of an alarm btw)

As I wake up to the sound of an alarm, as my eyes are still closed I stretch and as I open them I realize that I'm someone else bed. I feel someone's arms around me and I look over to my left and I see Tom asleep. As I try to get up someone grabs my hand causing me to lay back down.

" Don't leave mein liebe, I promised to stay with you" he said in a sleepy voice. "What are you talking about Tom" I say confused. He gets up and looks me in the eyes. "You told me that you don't want me to leave you, so why would you leave me instead" he said as he kept getting closer and closer.

"RISE AND SHINE MY LOVELYS" bill said when he opened the door. "Jeez Bill, don't you know when to knock" Tom said startled. " I don't care" bill said sticking his tongue out at Tom. Bill ran up to me grabbing my hand and taking me down stairs. "So y/n how did you sleep" he smirking at me. " Fine why" I said confused. "Oh nothing" he said going back to eating his cereal.

I saw Tom coming down stairs. Tom sat on the couch turning on the TV. "May I ask what happened last night" I asked bill and Tom. " You don't remember " bill asked me. "No why, did I do or say something" I ask them. "Well yeah you were so emotional last night so I let you sleep with me last night because I felt bad" Tom said looking at me smiling. "Oh really, I'm sorry if you didn't sleep last night" I said walking over to Tom. " it's fine, I slept well because you were by my side" he said putting his hand on my thigh. I blush and I look at Tom, he's smirking still while looking at the TV still.

"But y/n, can you sleep here at our place" bill asked. I look at Tom, he was looking at me with a 'please say yes' face. "Uhh... Sure I'll have to ask my mom though, she's probably worried about me" I say looking for my phone. "I already texted her" Tom says while holding my phone in front of my face. "DID SHE SAY YES, TOM? " bill asked Tom running over to him to look at the message. " YAY, she said yes y/n" bill hugged me. " Wow, I guess you really wanted me to sleep over" I say. "Yes I did" he smiled.

A few hours later.......

As I was asleep, someone was shaking me. "Y/n wake up, wake up" I heard someone say. As I opened my eyes I saw bill. "What what what is it Bill" I ask trying to wake up. "Do you want to go to the movies with us" he asks. "Sure why not, I'm bored anyway" I say getting up. "Great here's an outfit since you weren't prepared for this" he says handing me an outfit. "Thanks I'll get changed" I said. He nodded but he still stood there in front of me. "Umm bill privacy" I say pushing him out the room. "Oh right sorry love" he said leaving.

The outfit by the way:

As I was done getting dressed I heard a knock

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As I was done getting dressed I heard a knock. "Who is it" I say. "It's me, Tom" he says. "You can come in" I say sitting back on the bed. "Wow, Bill's clothes look good on you, I guess I should buy you some" he says amazed. "Thanks but it's okay my clothes at my house are pretty much like Bill's, I always text him so that we can match sometimes" I sat getting up. "Oh really, okay well since you're ready to go, cmon" he says leaving the room. "Okay coming" I say grabbing my phone. "Omg, my clothes look so good on you, I guess I really do have good style" he said proud. "Anyways let's go to the movies" bill says grabbing my hand. "Oh and Tom you can drive" bill said. "Oh okay bill" he said looking sad a little bit.

Tom's POV :

Dang I really wanted to sit with y/n. Bill also knows that I like y/n, I wonder if y/n remembers when I said I like her. I hope she remembers.

As we got in the car Bill comes running behind me and bumps into me"Oh sorry Tom, let's go y/n" he says excited. "It's fine" I say holding my arm. I got in the car and started driving. I hear y/n say something " Hey Tom can you turn on some music" she asks giggling with Bill. "Oh sure" I say. Bill is getting to close to
y/n now. I look in the rearview mirror trying to get Bill's attention. I tried telling him to back away from y/n because he knows that I like y/n. He notices and he nods. I get a little bit happier.

Y/ns POV:

"Yay, we're here guys" I say holding Bill hand jumping up and down. "Yay" he said. "Yay woohoo" Tom said sarcastically. "You didn't have to come Tom" I said. "Yeah you didn't" Bill said looking at Tom and looking back at me shaking his head. "Whatever why don't you guys kiss the whole time" Tom says walking away. "Okay Tom we'll do that" bill says sarcastically. Tom looks back. "We're just joking Tom" I say running up to him and putting my arm around his neck. "Ok ok y/n" he says smiling.

As I got our snacks some guy in his 40s came up to me when bill and Tom were in the restroom. "Hi there pretty lady" he says smirking at me. "Hi" I say uncomfortably. "What movie are you watching" he asks getting closer to me. "Uhh The new Spiderman movie, why" I ask stepping back. "Oh really me too, we should sit next to each other" he asks grabbing my hand. Gosh his hands sure were old looking and his teeth were missing and I was surprised he could afford to watch the movie, he looks homeless. "Uhh no thanks, sir I'm watching it with my friends" I say trying to get out of his grip. "I'm not asking, you should pretty lady and you will" he said pulling me closer to him.

Before he could drag me with him someone punched him in the face. I look over and it was Tom. Bill came over pulling me away from the man. "Y/n are you okay" bill asked looking at me with worry. " Uhh yeah I'm fine" I say with a shaky voice thinking about what just happened. "Are you sure" Tom asked looking worried." I think so" I say looking into his eyes.

As we were driving home after what happened at the movies, bill put a blanket over me and him. He hugged me so I could fall asleep after what happened. I hugged him back. I decided to close my eyes and fall asleep.

Later on I wake up in a bed. "Are you up sleepy head" Tom says drying his hair with a towel. "Yeah, did anything happen" I ask sitting up. "Nope other then you snoring" he laughs. "Hey" I say smiling. "Bill put clothes on the table if you wanted to change real quick after you woke up.

The pj's:

I go to the bathroom to change as I got out I saw Tom at the door way waiting for me

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I go to the bathroom to change as I got out I saw Tom at the door way waiting for me. " Bill was right, you sure do look great " he said as I picked me up and took me to the bed. "Why thank you young man" I say. "I'm literally older than you but what ever, my lady" he said putting me under the covers. I rolled my eyes. I pulled his arm so that he could lay down by me. I smiled at him.

"I love you y/n" he says. I could feel blush spread across my face so I turned away from him covering my face with the blanket."Haha you're so funny Tom " I pretended to laugh. "I'm not trying to be funny y/n, I really do love you, I just want you to know that" he said pulling me back to face him. I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him. He hugged me so I just let it happen. "I -uh- I love you too Tom" I say hiding my face in his chest. I looked up seeing him already sleeping. I looked at him for awhile before going to sleep.

"I love you too Tom" I said once more.


I hope you guys liked this part because I loved it. I don't care if theres miscorrections I'm not going through it again. I really need ideas tomorrow but I'll probably only post once tomorrow since I'm gonna be busy. Anyways I love you guys, you better eat and sleep well. Don't starve yourself and don't keep yourself up to late. Bye I love you guys. 😁😁 feel free to tell me any of your ideas😁

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