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This will probably be a long part so be prepared. Get snacks, a drink, get comfy in your bed, couch, chair, idk what else you could relax in.Bathtub? 🤷‍♀️but enjoy.


Tom's pov:

I suddenly woke up for an odd reason. Y/n was still next to me. Her hair was so pretty and it smelled nice. I really love her I wish I could ask her out but I'm just to scared. Maybe I'll ask bill if he actually does it right.

I saw y/n slowly opening her eyes. Our eyes met and she just smiled then kissed me. She got up and went to the bathroom. I had even confidence to confess to her. I also felt myself getting warm. I sat up and turned on the TV. I saw bill come in the living room, he waved at me, so I waved back.

"So, what did you do with y/n last night" he said smirking at me.
"Fuck off bill, we didn't do anything" I say.
"Oh right, wanna see a picture I took not to long ago" he says walking away to me smiling.
"Sure I guess" I say.

(The picture of tom and y/n from last night:)

As I saw the picture of me and y/n I tried to take the phone but it was to late

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As I saw the picture of me and y/n I tried to take the phone but it was to late.
"Delete that bill" I say in an angry voice.
"Nope it's just to cute, and you'll thank me later on" he says winking at me.

I didn't know what he meant. I saw y/n come out of the bathroom. She smiled at me and sat next to me on the couch.
"Did you sleep well" she says looking at me.
"Uh yeah, did you" I ask her. "Yea I did" she says.
"Do you guys wanna get breakfast with the others" bill says walking back into the living room.
"Sure why not" y/n says.
"Okay" I say.

As we were on our way to the breakfast cafè y/n grabbed my hand out of nowhere.
"Are you okay y/n" I whisper to her. "Oh-uh yeah, my stomach just hurts a little" she says.
"Oh do you want to go to the bathroom once we get there" I ask. She nods her head.

She kept squeezing my hand a couple times and I felt bad a little bit because I didn't know what to do for her. I pushed the left side of her head into my shoulder so she could calm down.

As we got there I opened the door for y/n. I grabbed her hand quickly.

"Oh hey bill, me and y/n are gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I say. "Okay be back soon though" he says. I nod. Me and y/n walked quickly to the bathroom.

As I waited a couple of minutes for y/n, finally came out.
"Thank you tom, but you didn't have to" she says.
"It's fine, but let's go" I say holding her hand. She smiled at me.

As we got to the table I saw them waiting for us.
"Y/n are you okay" bill asks.
"Uh yeah I'm fine" she says. He nods. I saw the waiter coming with the food.
"I didn't know what you guys wanted to I basically ordered everything I thought you would want" he says. "Good job bill" I say sarcastically. "Thanks tom" bill says sarcastically back. I gave him a thumbs up.
"You actually did good bill" y/n says.
"Well thank you y/n, at least your girlfriend said thank you right" bill says sticking out his tongue. I felt myself blushing. I looked over to y/n and she was also. I just laughed at her.

As we got home from breakfast I decided to ask bill for advice sometime today. I really want to tell her my feelings that I have.

"Oh hey tom" y/n said. I turned around to see y/n walking over to the couch.
"Oh hey y/n, are you okay" I ask.

"Yeah I'm good, are you" she asks smiling.
"Of course" I say. She walked behind me and went into the kitchen. I turned around to see what she was getting.
"Do you want one" she asks holding up a water bottle.
"Umm no thanks" I say turning back to the TV. I heard her walking behind me. I felt someone's hand playing with my hair.
"What do you want to do later" she asks still playing with my hair.
"I don't know but I'm really bored" I say.
"Me too, maybe we can ask bill later, he has some great ideas" she says going back into that kitchen. She opened the fridge again to put her water away.

"I'll ask" I say.
"Great" she says. She walked over to the couch and sat down, placing her head on the pillow that's on my lap. I stroked her hair. I saw that she was tired. She tried and tried to keep her eyes opened.
"It's okay, go to sleep" I say. She looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you tom, that's why I love you" she says closing her eyes. I know she probably said that in a friend way.

Later on I decided to put her in my bed. While I was picking her up I heard walking behind.
"Just ask her out already, you guys the good together" bill says.
"About that, I was wondering if you could help me" I say looking back at him.
"Wait really" he says holding his hand up to his mouth. I nod.
"After I put her in bed first" I say whispering.
"Okay" he says whispering back.

As I placed y/n down in bed I took moment to look at her. I hope she says 'yes' or a 'me too'. It's just that I can't lose her over this. I'll try my best. I walked away closing the door slowly behind me. I saw bill waiting. I rolled my eyes.
"Okay so I wan-" I say interrupted.
"Hush, I have a plan" he said. "Umm okay, tell me" I say.

After half a hour of talking I was ready, well he was since he was gonna talk to her. I was really nervous now that I k ow there's no going back. We had an agreement to do it now. When I saw bill going into my room where y/n was I could feel my heart racing. I kept over thinking everything. I was in the living room voting my nails when I heard the door open.
"Y/n said she wants to talk to you" he said smirking.
"Okay" I said getting up. It felt like an interview, the next inine was me and there was no going back, like I had to do this moment, and I was.

As I got into the room saw y/n waiting on the bed sitting away from me. She heard me coming through the door and she turned around. I had seen a big bright smile on her face. She got up and came up to hug me.
"Yes tom, I will be your girlfriend" she said. My heart beat went even faster than before. I felt like I was having a heart attack but it felt good. I pulled away from the hug and kissed her.

She's my girlfriend. MY girlfriend.

I hope you guys really liked this part I worked 2 days on it and it feels good getting a part done. I will also find always to make more since I know that some people like this story. But anyways I love you guys and them are 800 reads I really appreciate it. 😁

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