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Tom's pov:

As wake up next to y/n, I see that she's still asleep. I realized how lucky I was to have someone like her because she was just so perfect.

I saw her eyes open slowly and then she smiled. I smile back at her since her smile makes everything better.

"Morning love, did you sleep well" she asks as she plays with my hair. I nod and I stroke her cheek.

"Did you sleep well, love" I ask.

"Of course I did" she says getting up. I saw her getting up so I got as well.

"What did you want to do today" I ask. She looks back at me and thinks about it.
"I don't know but I'm fine with whatever" she says.
"Okay well we can think about it" I say. She nods.

As we head down stairs, hand in hand, we both see bill arguing with someone on the phone.

"JUST SHUT UP I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT" he says hanging up. Then he aggressively puts his phone down on the counter. He then looks at us both and smiles.

"Good morning guys" he says smiling.
"Uhh morning" I say with his eyes wide.
"Morning bill, but what was that about" y/n asks.
"Uhh just someone don't worry" he says.
"Uh ok" I say.

As me and tom were watching TV, bill rushed through the door with the groceries. He looked out of breath, like he was just being chased.

"Woah woah, are you okay bi-"I get cut off. 
"LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR NOW" Bill says panicking.
"What the fuck is going on now" y/n say rushing over to the door.
"Oh my god bill, if you got someone angry, I'm gonna fucking kill you"I say worried. Bill shakes is head no.
"No not.....that there....was...a very... scary... dog.... chasing me" he says. Me and y/n look at each other and shake our heads.
"What, I could've got hurt" he says pouting.
"Bill it's just a stupid dog, what's it gonna do to you" I say. We all hear scratching at the door and bill screams.
" Bill shut up" I say. Y/n walks away from bill to the window and peeks to see what it was. She shakes her head.

"Bill was it this dog" y/n asks . Bill walks up to the window shaking. He nods and backs away.

"Omg bill" she says shaking her head.I then look out the window and start laughing.

"Shut up tom, whatever I'm going to my room, and your welcome for getting groceries when I could've died" he says. Me and y/n start not to laugh.

As me and y/n was putting the groceries away I look over at her. Man she was beautiful I could look at her all day long without looking away. Then she looks at me.

"Umm are you okay tom" she says confused. I don't say anything and I kiss her. She kisses me back but longer. I just smile.
"I love you y/n, more than you even know" I say in a serious voice.
"I love you even more tom" she says. We both start laughing and go back to putting the groceries away.

As we were finished we started to watch TV. We both sat down. I grabbed a pillow and put it on my lap. Y/n layed her head down on the pillow. While we were watching the movie, I couldn't stop looking at her. It's like she put a spell on me.

I don't know but I seriously love her. She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back. A couple minutes later y/n then falls asleep. I was quite sleepy myself, so I picked her up and brought her to my room. I placed her down gently and pulled the covers over her. I got under the covers and placed my arm around her. I saw her open her eyes slowly.

"Tom" she says in a sleepy voice.
"Yes y/n" I say.
"I'm really happy that we became friends again" she says.
"I am too y/n" I say. I kiss her forehead and we both go to sleep.

            -- THE END


Thank you guys so much for getting me to 1.62k reads, I just can't believe it. If you guys are seeing this part today, go check out my bill story if you haven't seen it yet. If you guys could give me any ideas for the next story I would really appreciate it if you do. Anyways I love you guys. Bye😁😁

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