Chapter 123

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Halilintar: You will stay on the second floor, not much room right now but it will do.

Izumi: *Looks around their house* So, this is where you live?

Halilintar: Pretty much, all the necessities are here and if you need any girly stuff then ask Flora. I don't deal with that kind of stuff.

Izumi: Uhm, thanks.

Halilintar: The bed should be prepared already and dinner is about an hour away. You can rest here if you want to or look around the place. I don't care.

Izumi: *Sees four doors* Uhm, why are there four doors?

Halilintar: They are our room, Ori's, Flora, Shade, and Eri's. The Admiral and Commander have their own rooms in the station. 

Izumi: Isn't this place too big for just the four of you?

Halilintar: When your owner can split into seven different versions of himself then this place is just the right size.

Izumi: I'm still very confused about your qu-powers. First, you can teleport, then you can use wind and earth, then lighting, plants then fire and ice and now splitting. Your powers are all over the place and it's confusing.

Halilintar: Hmm, Ori's powers are the seven elements that you know of. Lighting, Wind, Earth, Fire, Ice, Plant, and Light. Ori is capable of utilizing all those elements. 

Izumi: Ok, but that doesn't explain the splitting aspect of your powers.

Halilintar: Elemental split allows us to divide ourselves depending on what the owner wants. 

Izumi: . . . So, it's just part of our powers.

Halilintar: Hmm. 

Izumi: . . . Not the talkative type.

Halilintar: . . .

Izumi: I guess you're kinda like Tokoyami then or  Shoto.

Halilintar: . . . 

Izumi: *Blinks* I'll just look around, ok?

Halilintar: . . .

Izumi: *Leave the living room*"Ok, note to self. Not like the Boboiboy I knew."*Looked upstairs to see a large room filled with beanbags and a bed in the middle. On the wall was a TV and stuffed animals around the floor*"I guess they are trying to make it kid-friendly for Eri"*Sat down on the bed*"Wow, this is very soft. Softer than my own bed... How does gravity work in space? Will they give me missions as well?" *Shakes her head* "No, stop. They probably don't want to accidentally tell the whole galaxy about quirks. Play it safe, Izumi. They are doing it to protect the galaxy... But I wonder if they will let me join in their missions."*Looks around her room to see the luggage she brought was already here*"I guess I might as well make myself home"*She pulls up a notebook thinking for a few minutes before putting it back inside. She started to look and familiarize herself with what would be her 'room' for who knows how long, soon a question came to her head, and headed downstairs to see Halilintar looking at his phone.* Uhm, Boboiboy?

Halilintar: *Turns to Izumi* What?

Izumi: I want to ask.

Halilinatr: Shoot.

Izumi: I-what do I call you?

Halilintar: ...

Izumi: I-I just remembered that there are seven of you right now and if you're all together then calling you Boboiboy would be weird.

Halilintar: Halilintar.


Halilintar: Yes.

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