Chapter 135

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Taufan: Well, we're all done.

Flora: That was quicker than I expected it to be.

Taufan: Yeah, me and En are buddies now so it doesn't take too long to unlock Smoke screen.

Izumi: En? As in the sixth user?!

Taufan: Yup, he is a pretty chill guy.

Shade: I guess you wouldn't happen to be friends with the second guy.

Taufan: Ah, him... nope. Sorry, tough one to crack actually. Why?

Flora: Ugh, I was hoping you would know their quirks.

Taufan: Oh, we all know but...

Izumi: But what?

Taufan: It's too strong, no amount of training will help you with that quirk. We were told that it should only be used for emergencies only.

Izumi: But how will I know how to use it?

Taufan: Well, how I always use my power. Just flow with it.

Flora: *Deadpan* A wind joke, really.

Taufan: Hey, I'm being serious. The second even forbids Ori from using it too. 

Izumi: But isn't this the perfect time to try it?

Taufan: *Sigh* That second is such a killjoy, we have a good solid few weeks or months even to train but he decides that his quirk doesn't need any training. Did you know even Hali was curious too, you know?

Flora: Ooh, did he do it?

Taufan: Don't know, doesn't look like it... Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if we elements can use quirks. Should I try?

Shade: No-

Flora: YEAH!!!

Taufan: Alright then, what quirk should I try? *Thinking pose*

Flora: Oh, maybe you should try Black Whip. Float and Smoke screen are very similar to your powers anyway so we won't see those results.

Taufan: Yeah, *Holds out his hands* . . . Uhm, how does it work?

Izumi: I-uhm, it's like you want to grab something-

Taufan: Well yeah, but I don't feel anything.

Shade: You probably can't use quirk then, since you are made of your own energy, the quirk now is its own energy which is different from yours like how you can't use Blaze's firepower.

Taufan: Aw man, no wonder Hali looked gloomier than usual. 

 Izumi: So you guys can't test it out for me, huh?

Taufan: *Shakes his head* Unfortunately not, but hey with the quirks you currently have you can use them to get stronger. If you don't train with your current quirk and get stronger with them then you will be knocked out of the fight quicker than Yaya's cookies.

Izumi: Are those quirks really that strong?

Taufan: Yup, they are super strong but also very dangerous so do your best and achieve these quirks at your own pace.

Izumi: Hmm...

Taufan: Aww, don't be so gloomy. I know you can do it.

Flora: Yeah, we can't have you being a glass cannon. can we?

Izumi: Hmm, yeah. Your right, I can't fight All for One if I can't take a hit from him.

Taufan: Now, that's the spirit.

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