𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟭 : 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀

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"You are a gem daughter... My son is very lucky to have you..." Suhani said in tears and hugged her....

Both of them broke the hug and smiled at each other.

After sometime

Ritesh's room

Ritika was sitting in the bed sadly. Her face was very faint because of continuous crying. She was rewinding the incidents that happened in her life within two months.

"Durga maa..what mistake have I done? Why my fate is like this..? Why everyone is hurting me one by one...? My all dreams shattered on my wedding day. I wished for a man who will love me, care me & make me happy whenever I feel low. But I got a man just opposite to it... It's not his fault... I think he is such a nice human being... But I am suffering the results of my brother's mistake.... God... I am tired of all this... And the thing that broke my heart is the news about my brother.... I never believed that he can do this...He.. he killed a girl... How can he become so rude... ? The one whom I trusted the most broke my heart into pieces..." She thought.... Fresh tears were flowing from her eyes.

Suddenly Ritesh entered there and saw Ritika crying. But Ritika didn't understood his presence. She was in her own world. He went near her and called her. But there was no response. Suddenly he patted on her shoulder..and asked " Ritika... What happened..?"

She came out of her world and stood up with a jerk. He looked at her and she avoided him. She was about to go from there without saying anything... Suddenly he caught her wrist... She looked at him... They shared an eyelock... He understood the pain in her eyes... They were in a different world... Suddenly she broke the eye contact and said looking at other side..." What do you want..? Please leave my hand.." she said casually.

he said while looking at her..." No... Answer my question at first,then I will leave you"

She got irittated and she pulled her hands with all her strength... But her strength was nothing infront of him. He tightened his grip and she landed on his chest.

" Ritika... There Is no use of your stubbornness... Say what happened to you.." he said looking at her. She too looked at him. She was still in his grip.

" Nothing... Just leave me pls..." She said.

He just looked at her sternly... and she said...." Why should I tell everything to you...? You hate me right..?"

She was very heartbroken and angry. He sighed and left her from his grip. She went from there. He suddenly remembered his words..."Please let me go from here... I hate you.."

"Oh god... What have I done..? I have to talk to her anyhow.." thought Ritesh.


Everyone was sitting in the hall after dinner. All were chit chatting. But Ritesh was concentrated in his phone. Suddenly a notification came in Ritika's phone. She took her phone and saw Ritesh's message. She looked at him. But he was already looking at her. But she ignored the message and again went to talking. He got irritated and went from there. He took his car and went to outside.

" Oohh...! Where is he going?" Asked Suhani.

"Maa maybe Bhai have some important works... In one of our company.. there is no M.D so now Bhai have to look after two companies. He maybe frustrated." Nakul said.

"But why did he went to outside now.?" Asked Thanu.

"Yes. My son always goes to balcony when he is depressed. I know him very well...But why did he went to outside now? "Suhani said in anxiety.

"Ma... Don't get worried... He is not a kid anymore. Look he is a married man. He is old enough to be a father..but you are still treating him like a kid." said Abhi.

" Abhi... No matter how old their children are, they are always kids to their parents..." Said Suhani.

"Do you know, In childhood he always went to balcony after fighting with Bhai...He was such a stubborn kid" She said and laughed. Everyone laughed and Ritika unknowingly smiled thinks about him. Abhi noticed it.

"What happened bhabhi...? Are you thinking about my Bhai...?" Asked abhi mischievously...

Ritika came back to her sense and said..."No no... Why should I think about him...?" She stammered.

The siblings shared a mischievous smile. But Suhani's face changed thinking about her Son and daughter in law's future.

"What happened ma..?" Asked Ritika looking at her.

"Nothing beti... " She said and smiled at her. She too smiled at her.

After sometimes everyone went to their respective rooms. Ritika was lying on bed. She was thinking about Ritesh.

"Why is he becoming late...? Where would he have gone...? Oh god.. I'm not getting any clue. I'm really tensed. Just because of me, he went to outside now. I just made him angry. Maybe he got hurt because of my behaviour. Pls come fast Mr.... I will definitely seek forgiveness from him." Thought Ritika.

She was feeling very guilty. It was for the first time, she was feeling guilty for her behaviour towards him.

After sometimes she went to take shower. Within this time, he came back to home. He went to their room and he placed something on the table near the bed and he went to balcony taking his laptop. He had a meeting with an American company. he want to attend the online meeting without any disturbance. So he went to balcony.

After taking shower she changed her saree and wore a night dress. She suddenly noticed a big packet of chocolate. She got excited.She wondered who would have brought this. Chocolates was her favourite thing. She always Loved it. He also know this. She went near the bed.

"Ohh God, My favourite chocolates... Who would have brought this now..? Did Mr. Devil.. Oh I mean Mr. Malhotra brought this..?.But where is he... ?" She thought.

She took chocolates in her hands. Suddenly her thoughts break when a paper fell down. She was confused. She took the paper from floor and opened it.

She read it.

" Ritika.... First of all 'SO SORRY'....pls forgive me for giving pain to you... I know that I always gives you pain. But trust me... I had done anything intentionally. It's all happened because of my anger and revenge towards your brother. I swear,... I don't hate you... But that doesn't mean that I like you....But yesterday I said that I hate you because I thought after hearing this you will get ready for divorce. But to my surprise you decided to accept me as a atonement to your brother's fault. Now I am not able to change your decision.... But I accept my fault... Once again sorry... Sorry for hurting you... Pls forgive me.. your silence is hurting me..🙂

- Mr. Devil"

Tears were flowing from her eyes while reading the Letter. But at last she smiled after seeing his name. He introduced himself as Mr. Devil. She Chuckled seeing that.


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Yours lovingly
Vasudevini Subhadra 💕💕

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