Chapter 22 (5)

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Chapter 22 (5)

    Or cranberry? Call once blueberry, twice cranberry. "

    Kangkang:" Wang! woof! "

    Kangkang is a small trash can. He is never picky about food. He loves fruits and vegetables very much!

    An'an: "Wow! "There was a bit of reluctance in the cry.

    We grew up together, Kangkang is not picky eaters, but An An is a picky eater. If you don't eat this one, you won't eat that one. Yu Yuetong will pamper her within the allowable range, but in principle Sexually picky eaters are not used to it!

    Taking advantage of steaming pumpkin, Yu Yuetong washed the oatmeal and fruit, and made egg tart liquid. Kangkang is

    a bit lactose intolerant, but An An has a strong stomach, but he is afraid that Kangkang will steal An An’s food, Yu Yuetong She simply gave goat milk, and the egg liquid she made for them didn’t add sugar, just simple goat milk and eggs.

    What she ate was condensed milk with egg milk and whipped cream, because the condensed milk was already very sweet, so she didn’t add sugar.

    Steaming the pumpkin in a pressure cooker is very fast, and the pumpkin is steamed as soon as you make an egg liquid. Yu Yuetong added a little condensed milk and butter to it while it was hot, and then threw the oats in and knead it. As usual, the dog’s portion does not add condensed milk and


    Brush the mold with a little oil, press the oat pumpkin puree into the shape of the egg tart, pour in the egg liquid and put it in the oven. The large oven

    can bake 150 egg tarts at a time, put the egg tarts you eat on the upper layer, and put the puppies on the lower layer For food, the egg tart with butter condensed milk and whipped cream is not to mention how fragrant, the door of the oven can't stop the overbearing aroma from overflowing, An'an and Kangkang wiped the floor hastily, and circled around the kitchen anxiously, drooling. Wash the kitchen floor.

    "Okay, okay, don't hang around here, help me pick strawberries, okay? You can eat it when you come back. " When the two puppies heard this,     their

    ears pricked up, and they rushed to the utility room with their fluffy tails, and pulled out their beloved stroller     . The chest straps, anxiously asked Yu Yuetong to help them put them on.

    The puppy grows fast, Yu Yuetong didn't prepare a lot of carts.

    There are only two models, one is a "small cart" that a normal medium-sized dog can bear, and the other is a large cart that is customized considering the mutated body shape.

    These two cars, they can't use them now.

    Both An'an and Kangkang are puppies now. Although Yu Yuetong also trains them to pull carts, they always use storage boxes with wheels as carts, and the things they store are not heavy, so they focus on training.

    A dog and a 50L storage box, An An also picked up a basket with great insight, raised her head and obediently stared at Yu Yuetong.

    "Ah! Whose good puppy is this? How can he be so obedient and so smart!" Yu Yuetong didn't hesitate to praise her.

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