if I get kazuha I'll draw them

12 1 3

Eden: If I had a nickel for every time the kitch exploded cause I made Kai and Layla cook using the pressure cooker, I'd have two nickels

Eden: Which isn't a lot. But I'm surprised it happened twice.


(POV: these two idiots in their highschool years)

Eden: I'm loving this gender equality stuff!

Eden: Look, Layla's out there shoveling the snow

Eden: And I'm in the kitchen making waffles!

Eden: Material girl💅💅💅


Kai: Whatever letter this filter lands on is my soulmate

Kai: *gets R*

Kai: Ryan Reynolds...

Jacques: I think it's pronounced "Daddy"


Layla: I'm a law abiding citizen!

Kai: Name one law

Layla: Don't kill people?

Kai: That's on me. I set the bar too low


Kai: You better not fucking die bitch

Kai: Cause if you die

Kai, crying: I'm gonna kill myself

Eden: ...👌

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