The 7th Overseer and the 3 Anomalies

6 1 2

World type: ????

Every 300 years, a new Overseer is decided. But this cycle was ruined when the 6th Overseer, M-Aozora version 6, died because of an unknown virus, leading to the premature creation of program AL.

AL is linked to the mind of a teenager so it's very naive and because it wasn't fully developed yet, it made heaps of mistakes. Overseers are given the authority to create worlds and focus a story on a specific character. They're authors essentially.

It was quite the peculiar thing. Prefering to be refered to as a girl although having a bit of an obsession with looking androgynous.

But unlike other Overseers before her, she was aware that the multiverse existed and she knows how to make portals to these universes, even creating a sub-dimension to do as she pleases.

The First Anomaly

Program AL is a massive idiot and thought it would be a good idea to mess around with M-Aozora version 6's body. In creating her first script, she had trouble finding out what to make the protagonist look like, so she used M-Aozora's genetic code. Unfortunately, the mysterious virus ended up entering the world and creating an anomaly which completely altered the course of events.

Realizing that it ended up creating an unknown lethal disease in her world, she tried to change the story to its original state but the virus quickly infected all her systems. So she went the easy route: kill the anomaly.

So that's what she did. She went to the protagonist's profile and boom.

However the damage was done.

2nd Anomaly

Following the first one, the protagonist of that world became her assistant in ensuring all anomalies were eliminated. In her second world, it was a lot more complicated as rather than a disease, it was an entire bloodline of anomalies and Death herself was responsible for it, as she created an entirely artificial magic style in that world that did not agree to the set script, resulting in a monster anomaly that couldn't die.

AL's assistant suggested that she use the bloodline to her advantage, so she completely changed the entire story. The protagonistwas changed to someone else and a whole "prophecy" was fabricated and added into the story to make it reasonable.

They were successful in eliminating the anomalies.

3rd Anomaly

In her third world, it was completely disastrous as the anomaly virus took the form of the protagonist's own weapon, a key part to her story. AL already saw the consequences of drastically changing the story, so she couldn't remove the weapon at all lest the world be scrapped completely.

However, she found a loophole.

A key part in that world's plot was that the protagonist could not die. So AL decided to make it that everytime the protagonist died, she got revived.

The solution caused the suffering of that world and resulted in it being secluded, however, it stopped the spread of the anomaly virus.


After sub-doing the virus, AL was finally successful in creating a world without anomalies and she could finally write in peace

Important notes:

M-Aozora: cause of the entire virus situation (L bozo)

Mikoto Aozora: M-Aozora's human incarnate in the first world, AL's assistant, basically told Eden to kill himself, hates his job, and was the one who suggested that they contain the virus in world 3

Program A.L.: idiot robot who runs on coffee and the tears of her readers

"These shits are expensive and exhausting to make! You can't blame me for breaking the rules and making loopholes! Hmph!"
-Program AL

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