SushiHereGuyz sleepyotaku101 here ya go!

Name: Eden

Surname: [redacted]

DoB: Feb 15

Age: 23

Type of world: Fantasy setting

Occupation: Mage/protector of the City of Sunmoor

Gender: Male

Status: Deceased(of course✌️)

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Any romantic interests: He's bitchless and a loser

Siblings: two younger sisters, every single kid in Sunmoor see him as a big brother

Abilities: Abyssal magic

Hobbies: Taking care of little kids, cooking, fashion, martial arts, piano

Weapon: Well versed in all weapon types, prefers using a claymore and bow made from abyss magic

Likes: Taking breaks, his pets

Dislikes: Going on long expeditions


He first appears as a young man wearing a long black hooded coat(think kirito). He has messy brown hair and dark purple eyes. He has a slightly tan complexion from staying out a lot. Lots of bandages and scars from prior battles. He wears black archery gloves. Described as "very attractive".

He has his hood up most of the time, both cause the kids say he looks cool and that boosts his ego, and also cause it hides his identity.

He looks cold at first but softens up to people he trusts.


None knows of his background. All they know is he is the only weilder of abyss magic recorded in the last 500 years. He comes from a long lineage of abyss mages(if you mention genshin in the comments🖕).

When he was born, they have a ritual to see what type of magic a child would have. Everyone was surprised to see he had abyss magic, a lost art after the Divine Destroyer caused the demises of its users.

At the age of 5, the previously strongest fighter in Sunmoor took him in to train him and at the age of 13, he went on a long journey to continue his training. It lasted for 7 years. Why was he training, you may ask. In a prophecy written when his clan was getting destroyed, it stated that someone will put an end to the Destroyer once and for all. The elders in Sunmoor firmly believe that it would be Eden, since the beast is vulnerable to abyss magic.

He and his two closest best friends, Kai and Layla, are the top 3 fighters in Sunmoor. A child called them "The Silly Trio" and they started calling themselves that ever since.

Oh yeah, and the wind keeper(think archons) is like- a baby that is attached to him.

That's all I can reveal abt Eden for now causr everything else is a spoiler

And it was hard to get my ideas for this bitch down on wattpad but YOLO

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