Job try-outs

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It was peaceful.

Until it wasn't.

A hand on my mouth wasn't what I expected to wake up to.

I was about to scream until a now familiar voice spoke.

"Shhh Greenie. It's me. You're ok."


Once he was sure I was calm he took his hand off my mouth and I immediately glared at him.

"What the fuck was that?" I whisper shouted

He pointed his head towards the door, "Follow me."

Not having anything else to do since Newt woke me up ever so kindly (note the sarcasm) I put on last night's boots and laced them up before following him out of the room.

The first thing I spotted was the lack of sunlight. It was still early and everyone else was still sleeping.

"You couldn't have let me sleep at least a little longer?" I grumbled

"It's easier to give a tour while everyone is still asleep."

My ears perked up at the word tour. Finally, I wouldn't be so clueless about this place.

"We have 7 jobs. Builders, cooks, slicers, track-hoes, med-jacks, sloppers, and baggers. Builders build our structures and sloppers are in charge of cleaning "

"The med-hut is where the injured go and get treated and it's where the med-jacks work."

A nod from me was his cue to continue.

"The homestead is where we hold our gatherings or meetings, whichever you wanna call it. It's also where we sleep. Everyone gets a hammock while the keepers, Alby, me, and soon you, get a room."

"What are keepers?"

"They're like the leaders of each job."

I let out a hum while trying to memorize everything.

"That's the kitchen. It's where we have our food which is pretty obvious from the name. It's where the cooks work and Frypan is the keeper."

A question popped into my head, "Where do you get the food from?"

"We grow our own food. Build our own shelter. Everything here is basically done by us. The creators provide us with the supplies and we work with it."

"What about showers? You do have showers right?"

Newt chuckled at the panic that was starting to seep through my voice, "Yes we do. Thank shuck the creators were nice enough to provide us with working showers. Although privacy isn't the best. If you plan on having a shower make sure to have someone you trust stand guard."

"Anyway, that's the gardens-"

"It's where you grow the food?"

"Exactly, It's also where I work when I don't have any other duties. People who work there are called track hoes. Zart is the keeper. Next, we have the Bloodhouse."

Oh fuck maybe they do torture people and I'm next

"And no we do not torture people there. It's where we raise and then eventually kill the animals."

"Ok, I know for a fact that I did not say that out loud."

Newt smirked at me, "But you just admitted that you thought of it."

I only crossed my arms in answer.

"Anyway. Slicers work there and Winston is the keeper. That over there is the slammer. Anyone who causes problems spends their time inside as a punishment."

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