𓆩♡𓆪 Seven: Black Coffee

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Y/N had been sixteen years old when they first decided they wanted to exit the stage their father had oh so carefully crafted for them.

A life of doing the same thing, following the same rules, again, again and again, had left them bored out of their mind, aching for some sort of new venture, something unalike their days of being stuck inside the mansion doing nothing but what was expected of them.

Everything they'd had acquired throughout their life so far had felt worthless to them. None of it had been a genuine desire, a thing they had needed or craved for, none of it had ever made their heart beat faster in excitement, or lips curl up into a smile of gratification.

All of their successes had come to fruition for one mere reason - their father's expectations.

They knew this was the way things were supposed to be, this was what their family line's unblemished circle of existence had always looked like. The same expectations their parents had been raised to fulfil, as had their grandparents, great grandparents, and anyone who came before them.

The paintings that decorated the walls of their family's residency were enough proof of that fact. Halls upon halls filled with depictions of their ancestors, none of them personally known to them, yet all possessing eyes that felt as though they were watching their every move, observing them for any flaws.

Of course, there would be none to find. Y/N knew as well as any other individual living in this mansion that amongst their siblings, nobody could ever hold a candle to them. Their father knew it, their mother had known it, their siblings certainly knew (and hated them for it).

As such, there had never been any doubt in anyone's mind when it came to deciding who'd be the one to take over the leading position of the family business.

This is what Y/N had been born for. This is the reason they existed.

And yet, they couldn't help but place absolutely no value on what their family desired.

To them, the importance of their boredom far surpassed any expectations and ambitions their family held onto.

Money, success, sexual intimacy - all of it were things they knew they could easily attain with minimal effort and no serious investments. They'd been taught how to get their way in practically any situation, even when it came to worst case scenarios. Talking themselves out of seemingly unescapable situations had become like a second nature to them.

Throughout the entirety of their life, there had never been anything they genuinely worked for. An existence filled with unrivaled boredom. Nothing ever managed to entice them, or catch their attention. It felt as though they were simply drifting through life with no real goal in mind, no ambitions, no desires.

Like a body with no soul, empty and and devoid of life.

They tried to follow the path that had been established for them ages ago, long before their very being came into existence. A path filled with blood, terror and more victims than they could ever count on two hands.

A path filled with nauseating boredom.

And they put up with it. For sixteen years of their life, they put up with all of the expectations placed upon their shoulders, because that was what they were supposed to do. It was why they were here in the first place, alive and breathing.

Sooner than later, however, any gratitude they may have felt when it came to the subject of them being alive had entirely run out, leaving them to question why they were still putting up with this. Half-heartedly working for the family business, being rewarded with nothing but apathy and blandness. Death soon began to seem like a much better option than this coffin of monotony they'd found themselves trapped in.

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