Part 2

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Purvi walked towards vishwanathan.

Purvi: Appa!

Vishwanathan was surprised to see her there.

Vishwanathan: Purvi, how come you are here?

Purvi: sorry for disturbing you appa. But you didn't take your tablet box. That's why I come here.

He gave the tablet box to vishwanathan.

Vishwanathan: you are adamant about me taking medicines on time.

Purvi: Off course yes. I'm a doctor. Health is more important.

Vishwanathan smile

Purvi looked at the other at the dinning table.

Purvi: Sorry for interrupting you all.

Kavin was lost in her beauty.

Purvi: Okay, I'm leaving now.

Vishwanathan: wait khana

Vishwanathan looked at his colleagues and said: This is my daughter Purvi. She is a doctor.

Vishwanathan was introducing each and everyone to purvi.

Kavin stood up and extended his hand towards purvi.

Kavin: Hi Purvi!

Purvi held his hand.

Purvi: Hi!

They shook hands.

They felt a spark between them, their eyes meet each other's. They got drowned in each other's eyes for a moment. They have never felt like his before.

Purvi drew her hand away

Purvi: I have to leave for the hospital

Kavin: Sure

Vishwanathan: I will accompany you to the car.

Ishita: No need Appa.

Kavin: I will escort you to the car

Purvi: Actually

Kavin: I will

Purvi: Okay

Kavin walked along with purvi to the car.

Purvi: Bye kavin.

Kavin: Bye Purvi, take care.

Kavin went back to the hall.

His friend gave a surprised expression.

"Kavin Bhalla who has ignore countless women is giving attention to purvi lyer?"

They tensed him, kavin blushed

Kavin (though): They are right. I was never interested in women. Then how did I notice purvi this much, and even took initiative to go with her to her car?

Unknown to kavin, even vishwanathan had noticed this.

Kavin sat near vishwanathan to continue his dinner.

Kavin could barely eat as he his mind was occupied by purvi. He was smiling through out his dinner thinking of purvi.

After the function got over vishwanathan and kavin were starting to go back home.

Vishwanathan's car was not starting due to some technical problem.

Vishwanathan: Oh No, this has become a problem.

Kavin: What happened sir?

Vishwanathan: My car is not starting. It's night time. I will not get a mechanic now.

Kavin: Don't wrong sir. I will drop you home. You can call the mechanic tomorrow.

Vishwanathan: But I don't to trouble you kavin

Kavin: It's not a trouble for me, I will drop you.

He smiled

Kavin dropped vishwanathan to his house.

Vishwanathan: Kavin you come inside. You can here for the first time. You should not go without coming inside.

Kavin smile

Kavin: Sure sir

Hearing the bell ringing, purvi open the door.

Purvi was surprised to see kavin with vishwanathan. She smiled at them.

Vishwanathan: My car has some problem. So kavin dropped me here.

Purvi: Oh! Come in Mr Bhalla.

Kavin and vishwanathan get inside the house.

Purvi was in her night wear which was knee length dress. Her milky legs were exposed. She looked so cute and beautiful that kavin was lost in her.

Vishwanathan: Purvi please make coffee for kavin

Kavin: No thanks, no need of anything to drink.

Vishwanathan: Trust me kavin. My daughter makes the best coffee in the world just like her mother. If you drink it you will surely come back here to drink it again.

They giggled

Purvi: I will come back

Purvi went to the kitchen

Vishwanathan changed into casuals and come back to join kavin.

After sometime purvi brought coffee and snacks.

She was surprised to see both kavin and vishwanathan watching cricket match on Tv and enjoying.

Purvi: Appa is crazy about cricket. Mr Bhalla, I never expected you also to be a cricket fan.

Kavin smiled

Vishwanathan: kavin and I have similar interests, isn't it kavin?

Kavin smiled

Purvi began to go

But Suddenly kavin call her.

Kavin: Purvi, why don't you also join also for coffee?

Vishwanathan: yes, you sit with us.

Purvi: Okay

Purvi also joined them

After sometime, while chatting vishwanathan fell asleep.

Purvi: It's late night, that's why appa fell asleep. He must be really tired.

Kavin: Ya, I will make a move now

Purvi: Okay

When they reached the door.

Kavin: By the way your coffee was the best coffee. I have ever had, so I will surely come back for more.

Purvi smiled

Purvi: Thank you Mr Bhalla

Kavin: Please don't be so formal. Don't call me. Mr Bhalla, call me 'kavin.'

Purvi: Okay, Good Night kavin

Kavin felt nice, when purvi uttered his name.

Kavin (though): My name never sounded so sweet before. But when purvi call me by my name, my name sounded so beautiful and sweet.

Kavin: Good Night Purvi

They bid Good bye and kavin left from there, by his car.

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