part 7

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Kavin opened the door hearing the calling bell. He was shocked to see sakshi.

Kavin: Sakshi, why are you here?

Sakshi: I will tell you. But please let me inside kavin.

Kavin: why should I invite you inside. When you are nobody to me?

Sakshi look at his eyes deeply and asked: And I'm not anybody to you kavin? Can you forget the moments we spent together?

Kavin: sakshi, stop your emotional blackmailing. I will not fall into your trap again. Now I know you very well.

Sakshi got frustrated

Sakshi: kavin, but once you love me madly. Give me that consideration and let me inside.

Kavin: Never!

Sakshi was irritated

Sakshi: actually I didn't want to come here. But on the way home I felt dizziness, so I came here. I was scared whether I will faint on the road. Your wife is a doctor. That's why I come here.

Kavin (thought): Is she is saying the truth?

Kavin: My wife is not here, an my family members. So you won't get any treatment.

Sakshi (thought): Purvi isn't here. Not even his family members. I came on the right time. Cool! I shouldn't waste this opportunity. I should seduce kavin.

Sakshi: But I feel very weak kavin. Please let me inside.

Kavin: On the basis of humanity. I'm allowing you inside.

Sakshi (smiled): Thank you kavin

Sakshi went inside

She fainted on the sofa. Kavin was shocked

Kavin: sakshi!

He went near the sofa, and leaned towards her: sakshi! Open your eyes.

He took a glass of water and poured it on her face. Sakshi opened her eyes.

Kavin: Are you alright?

Sakshi: yes kavin

She got up from the sofa slowly.

Purposefully she kept her foot on kavin's way. When kavin moved his foot hit hers and he fell on the sofa. Sakshi moved towards him and said. I'm sorry kavin.

Sakshi (thought): Now also kavin attracts me towards him.

She leaned towards him sensually

In Suddenly

Purvi, Kareena, parkash, Divya, Dushyant reached there. They were shocked to see kavin and Sakshi together.

Kareena: What is this?

Kavin and Sakshi looked at them with shock

Kavin and Sakshi stood up

Kavin: Sakshi come here saying that she was not feeling well. Then she fainted her, she regained her consciousness. I slipped and fell on the sofa.

Sakshi: kavin, why are you lying? Why don't you admit the truth that you called me here, as nobody was there at home.

All were shocked

Kavin: You are still cheap. Again and fooled me. You pretended to be sick to enter my house. How can you lie like this sakshi?

Sakshi: Am I lying? You are lying kavin

Sakshi looked at purvi and said: still kavin is fascinated by me. I don't blame him as I'm hotter than his wife.

Purvi got hurt

Kareena: Stop! Your nonsense Sakshi.

Dushyant: You are lying sakshi. We know you very well.

Sakshi looked at purvi.

Sakshi: kavin may not have told you that he had a hot girlfriend like me, right? Because he want to have secret affair with me.

Kavin (shouted): Sakshi! You know that I'm not interested in even seeing you. Forget about the secret affair.

Dushyant: Purvi bhabhi, Sakshi is poisonous. Don't believe her.

Kareena: Yes purvi, Sakshi is snake who bit my son and made him suffer in pain for years.

Kavin look at purvi emotionally: Purvi!

Purvi: Kavin, you don't say anything.

Everyone become upset, while sakshi smirked.

Sakshi (thought): Now purvi will ditch kavin.

Suddenly Purvi slapped Sakshi shocking her.

Sakshi (angry): Purvi!

Purvi: Don't even call me, what did you think? You thought that I will believe you over my kavin? Never! I trust my kavin. He had told me everything about you. He had never hidden anything from me.

Sakshi was shocked

Purvi: so don't try your cheap tricks on me. Get out.

Sakshi was standing still.

Purvi: Get out

Sakshi went out in embarrassment

Everyone smiled.

Kavin smiled emotionally: purvi!

Purvi: when your purvi is with you, face that witch sakshi courageously. Because you are right and sakshi is wrong.

Kavin (smile): They shared a sweet eye lock.

Everyone smiled

Dushyant told everything to Ishita.

Ishita: Yes, I know. Purvi had call me and told me this.

Dushyant: You should have seen that incident. Purvi bhabhi slapped Sakshi and kicking her out was superb. You are really missed it Ishita.

Ishita: ya, I missed it. I wish I could see it.

Ishita: But I imagined it. It was fun.

Dushyant: Yes, sakshi look like a clown to. Very funny

They laughed

Bhalla's House

The postman come and gave an envelope to purvi. Purvi open it, she was shocked.

Sakshi arrived there: Hello purvi! Do you still believe kavin?

Kavin come there. He was shocked to see sakshi.

Kavin: Why are you here again shamelessly?

Sakshi: I had sent some photograph to purvi.

Kavin: photograph?

Kavin took the envelope from purvi and looked at the photographs. He was shocked.

They were the intimate pictures of kavin and Sakshi.

Kavin: purvi, these are fake. Nothing had happened between me and Sakshi. Infact even during our courtship, though she tried to get closer to me. I kept a distance with her.

Sakshi: Stop lying kavin. You always worshipped my body's beauty.

Kavin: Chee, you are disgusting.

Purvi took a photograph from kavin and looked at it.

Purvi showed that photograph to kavin. Purvi showed a hurtful expression to kavin and Sakshi.

Purvi: Kavin, did you cheat me?

Kavin was shocked, Sakshi smirked.

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