part 6

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Kavin: Purvi, I'm losing my peace of mind. I had been disturbed for many years. Only after you came into my life. I got peace of mind and happiness back.

Purvi: But what happened now suddenly?

Kavin: I encountered my past again

Purvi: Means? Did you meet someone from your past?

Kavin: Yes.

Purvi: who?

Kavin: My ex girlfriend Sakshi

Purvi (shocked): Ex girlfriend friend?

Kavin: Yes, sakshi was my girl friend in college. She was very beauty, I was madly in love with sakshi. There was nothing in my mind other than sakshi.

Purvi's heart got hurt hearing that though. She knew that now kavin's heart is full of her.

Flash Back

Kavin-purvi, she was popular lovers in college.

After kavin started working also they found time for each other, and went for short drive.

Little did kavin know that sakshi was a gold digger who was extracting money from him and partying with different men. He didn't even know that sakshi was having one night stands at the pubs she goes. Though other gave a hint about Sakshi's character to kavin. He didn't believe it. He trusted sakshi blindly.

Once kavin went for a business tour. He was surprised to return on Sunday. But he returned on Saturday. To surprise sakshi, he visited her house with a flower bouquet. There he saw sakshi with his colleague Sameer with his colleague Sameer on the bed.

Kavin was shocked

He screamed: Sakshi!

Sakshi and Sameer got up from the bed. They were ashamed to face kavin.

Kavin: How could you betray me sakshi? I loved you blindly. I trusted you even, when others called you characterless. But you broke my heart.

Sakshi: Don't be an emotional fool kavin. If you loved me blindly, it's not my fault. I'm hot and beautiful. So any man will fall for me. And you are boring kavin. I'm bored of you. But Sameer makes me excited. He is attractive and richer than you, so my happiness with him. That's why I'm with him. What's wrong is that?

Kavin was shattered

Kavin (shouted): Sakshi!

Sakshi: Don't shout kavin. It's my home. You can no right to create drama here, so just get out.

Kavin heart was broken when his beloved sakshi asked him to leave her house. He left from them tearfully while sakshi and  Sameer smirked.

In Present

Kavin was in tears

Kavin: Because of that incident, I had lost faith in love and  marriage. But you changed my attitude towards love and gave me the hope to marry. But now again I meet Sakshi. Shamelessly she expressed her wish to get me back as her lover. How can she stoop so low purvi?

Kavin embraced purvi and cried

Purvi caressed him

Purvi: Kavin, you should not crying seeing Sakshi. You should face her strongly. She is your past and she will be always you bitter past. Just because you meet her now, she is not going to be your present. So don't be upset. Live your life happily with me kavin.

Kavin: You are right purvi. Why should I get myself upset by thinking of my past just because I saw sakshi?

Purvi was relieved seeing him feeling better.

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