part 8

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Purvi took a photograph from kavin and looked at it.

Purvi showed that photograph to kavin. Purvi showed a hurtful expression to kavin and sakshi.

Purvi: Kavin, did you cheat me?

Kavin was shock, Sakshi smirked

Slowly purvi smiled

Purvi: This is what you wanted to hear from me. Right sakshi?

Sakshi was shocked

Purvi: But I won't ask kavin like that. Because I trust kavin, such a cheap proofs can't break my trust in kavin.

Kavin smiled

Sakshi was shocked

Sakshi: Are you blind Purvi?

Purvi: No, that's why I trust kavin. So please don't try cheap tricks.

Suddenly Dushyant and Ishita come there.

Dushyant: Bhai, bhabhi

They were shocked to see sakshi there.

Ishita: You come here again?

Dushyant: she must have brought the photographer too.

All were stunned to know that.

Dushyant: Ishita were aware of the photographer.

Dushyant: sakshi met a person who was an expert in morphing. She paid him money to morph her photographs with Sameer by replacing Sameer with kavin bhai, poor sakshi did know that he was my friend. He informed me everything. I told him to morph the pictures, so that sakshi can create a drama here and get embarrassed. Because I knew that purvi bhabhi will trust kavin bhai and not the photographs.

Kavin and purvi smiled

Sakshi was shocked

Sakshi: You are lying Dushyant

Ishita looking at Dushyant

Ishita: This women won't accept her crime. So call your friend.

Dushyant: Okay, I will call him.

Dushyant call his friend Raghu, who was standing outside.

Dushyant: Raghu!

Raghu come inside

Raghu: I only morphed those photographs as per Sakshi's order. I don't want to break a family.

Raghu took those photographs and tore them. Sakshi was shocked.

Dushyant: I allowed Raghu to morph those photographs to prove to sakshi that even vulgar photographs won't be able to break bhai and bhabhi's married life. Because their love is true.

Sakshi was shattered

Purvi: Sakshi, go away from our lives and don't come back again. Otherwise we'll call police and get you arrested.

Sakshi got scared.

Sakshi: I'll not come back. Please don't call any police.

Sakshi run out. They all laughed seeing Sakshi's condition.

After A Month.

Kavin was busy with his laptop. Purvi went near him.

Purvi: kavin, I want to tell you something

Purvi: I doubt whether, I'm pregnant.

Kavin's (happy): Really?

Kavin went towards her

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