Chapter 4

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Chad, Jeremy, Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear had just gotten back to the Laughing Place.

"You has ter beleev me. Dat guy iz Santy Claus" said Brer Bear.

"If dat mizer-ble kid hater iz Santy Claus, I's one o' his reindee-ah" said Brer Rabbit.

"I's tellin' ya. Wen I came outta de baffroom, I made a wrong turn and I..." Brer Bear began.

Chad cut him off. "There! See? Everyone makes wrong turns."

"An' I saw a really long list o' names and addresses" Brer Bear finished.

"So he's keeping track of addresses. That's probably his way of getting around town" said Jeremy.

"I also saw a Santy hat" said Brer Bear.

"So what? I've seen Brer Jeremy weh a crown. Dat don't make him Queen Eliz'bet" said Brer Rabbit.

"Fine. Den explain de plate o' cookies an' glass o' milk. Who udder dan Santy haz cookies and milk in his baffroom?" said Brer Bear.

"You!" Chad snapped frustratedly.

"Point taken. But dat guy really iz Santy" said Brer Bear.

"Oh please. Santa has never given me presents" said Jeremy.

"Oh my goodness; why not?" said Chad.

"Because I never made it onto his list of people who made peace with the French" said Jeremy.

"Uh, Jeremy? France and England have already made peace" said Chad.

"An' Santy's lists is jus' notty an' nice, Brer Jeremy" said Brer Rabbit.

"Seriously? Is there even an explanation for all this rubbish?" Jeremy gasped.

"Santy prob'ly holds royalty to a higher standard" said Brer Rabbit.

"Guys. I'd love to believe that the real Santa is somewhere over that hill... or was it that hill? Either way, it's not him" said Chad.

"Yes. That old man is just some stranger who we'll probably have to pick out of a police lineup someday" said Jeremy.

He and Chad left, but Brer Bear held Brer Rabbit back.

"Brer Rabbit! Dat iz Santy, and tomarrah, I's goin' back ter his cabin ter get off his notty list fo' good" said Brer Bear.

"I's cummin wit you ter have a word wit dat elf-luvin freak. He owes poor Brer Jeremy presents fo' yeeahs werth o' nice behav-ya" said Brer Rabbit.

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