Chapter 9

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Chad, Jeremy, Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit went back to the cabin carrying sacks and Christmas stuff.

"Oh dear! Santa put up an electric fence" said Chad.

"Don't worry. I have a plan. We just have to climb twenty feet up that tree, shimmy across that branch, and swing ourselves over the barbed wire" said Jeremy.

"Or we could unplug the fence and open it" said Brer Rabbit doing just that.

"Okay, if you wanna take the theatricality out of it! Alright. Now we just have to climb onto the roof and slither down the chimney" said Jeremy. 

"I couldn't get diss bean field down chimney. Maybe we should use de key under his 'not welkum' mat" said Brer Bear. 

The next morning, Santa woke up to find his cabin decorated like it was Christmas time. There were garlands lining his walls and presents under a tree.

"Presents? For me? But how?" he said.

The guys entered the cabin and said "Merry Christmas, Santy!"

"You guys did this?" said Santa.

"Yes. It was all Brer Bear's idea" said Chad.

"I realized you's de only wun who's nevah felt de magic o' Chrizmas Mo'nin" said Brer Bear.

"Well, not the only one" said Jeremy.

"So we wan'd ter give you de same special feelin' you gives us ev'ry yeeah" said Brer Rabbit.

"You were wrong, Santa. The world does need you" said Chad.

"You's Santy. You don't just bring kids toys. You bring kids joy. No wun else can do what you do" said Brer Bear. 

Santa was completely shocked. "Wow... I'm not used to youngsters showing me the meaning of Christmas. Thank you!"

He gave the four of them a big hug. "Santa is back in the Santa business! And you guys are definitely at the top of the nice list!"

"What about me? Will I finally be getting a present this year?" said Jeremy. 

"This year? I've given you presents every year" said Santa.

"You have? But I've never made it onto your list of people who made peace with the French" said Jeremy.

"Yeah, that already happened. And Napoleon's descendants are on the naughty list for lying to you and stealing your gifts" said Santa.

"Those wankers!" Jeremy grunted.

"I just have one favor to ask you guys" said Santa.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop fartin' on Brer Chad's pillow" said Brer Bear.

"Please do. I can't stand waking up with pink eye" said Chad.

"You two are hilarious. But that's not it. Not a word about this to anyone!" said Santa.

"Becuz de whole cranky Santy thing would be bad fo yo reputation" said Brer Rabbit. 

"That and I don't want Mrs Claus knowing I have another place" said Santa. 

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