Chapter 6

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The next day, the old man walked into his cabin to find Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit on his couch.

"Hey! What are you doin' here?!" he shouted.

"I's just here ter tell ya I've been very good. Like yesterday, I ate haff a carrot cake" said Brer Bear.

"Made from my carrots" said Brer Rabbit.

"An' I hasn't farted on Brer Chad's pillow in weeks. Okay, days. So I did it yesterday. But only becuz he wouldn't lemme finish de carrot cake" said Brer Bear.

"Bear, you have problems" said the old man.

"Okay, my turn. My pal Brer Jeremy told me he's never been given a present. Wuz dat an error of sum kind?" said Brer Rabbit. 

"Both of you quit your babbling and march your tails off of my property!" the old man snapped.

"Cum on. You can drop de act. We's big fans... Santy!" said Brer Bear.

"What did you call me?!"

"Sorry. Mr Claus" said Brer Rabbit. 

"What?! I'm not Santa Claus. I'm just an old man whose patience is wearing thin!" said the old man. 

He sat down and started pigging out on cookies.

"So much fo' bein' jolly" said Brer Rabbit.

"He must be crashin' afta all dose cookies" said Brer Bear.

Back at Splash Mountain, Patty had just set up some robin traps.

"I sees de robin hunt is on. Can I offer ya a thickly gloved hand?" said Brer Fox.

"No thanks. It shouldn't take too long to outsmart this pea-brained bird" said Patty.

A robin flew past one of the traps and escaped before it could trap it.

"How long is you estimatin?" said Brer Fox.

"Dagnabbit! Okay. So he got past one trap. I have a whole set of 'em" said Patty.,

The robin escaped from every single trap. 

"Ugh! Foiled again!" Patty grunted.

"Pea brained bird, 2. Pea brained actress, 0" said Brer Fox.

Next, Patty carried a snake in salad tongs and put it in a tree.

"Sis Patty, what you doin'?" said Brer Fox.

"I'm putting a garden snake into this tree to scare the robin into this tree" said Patty.

She pounded on the tree's bark and said "Ha! Who's the pea brain now, Bird Wonder?!"

Just then, the garden snake fell off the tree and landed on Patty's head.

"Agh! Ew! Get it off! Get it off!" she panicked.

Brer Fox swatted the snake away and said "You okay, Sis Patty?"

"I'm fine. But I guess Burt's not getting his present. I mean, that genius robin kicked my behind" said Patty. 

The robin then flew into a cage she'd set up.

"Well, dat genius just flew into dat cage" said Brer Fox.

"Ha! I own you, robby!" Patty crowed.

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