Chapter Eight: Meanwhile, in the City

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"Do you think I'll be a good king when I grow up, rabbit? 'Cause if I mess up, then...

"Of course you'll be good. As long as you do your best to make good decisions, and always put your people's safety first. You'll be splendid, I promise."

"Yeah! I'll do my best!"


It was a black midnight.

The carriage of the King of Roses snuck out of the castle and went into the city, rattling. A servant followed it, silently.

The servant wore a standard castle uniform, a diamond badge on his chest indicating his role. Above the badge, a number sewn into their shirt indicated his status.

The Jack of Diamonds-a courtier of the castle, and the White Rabbit's valet.

The Diamond Jack had often been sent to spy on the king like this, and he was always cautious about it. Even now, in the shadows of night, he kept their distance, walked on foot, and trailed the king from afar.

Although the castle was asleep, the city had just begun stirring. In every alleyway, there were men selling all sorts of shady things. On every street, there were brothels and taverns.

These were the streets where the Diamond Jack and many others grew up.

Perhaps the king knew he was being followed-his carriage took shortcuts, cut around sharp corners, and the horses' footsteps sounded hurried.

With surprise, however, the jack realized the King of Roses seemed to be familiar with the layout as well.

The jack gritted his teeth and did their best to keep up. Just as he pivoted around another corner, however, he realized he'd been played. The carriage was now abandoned, which meant the king must've slipped out at some point.

He lost him.


"Jack...? That's Diamond Jack, that's my brother!"

The Cheshire Cat peered out of the window. They were on the second story of the tavern, and downstairs there were sounds of women singing, dancing, and men shouting, laughing.

"What? I thought he worked in the palace?" The Dormouse followed her gaze.

"I haven't talked to him in such a long time!" the cat said. She turned towards the mouse and put on a giant charming lopsided grin. "I want to go see him, but there's a customer waiting for me downstairs. Can you cover for me? Please, pretty please?"

The mouse sighed and adjusted her cap. "Fine... be back soon and stay safe."

"I will!"

The cat kicked off her high-heels and sprinted downstairs, bare-footed. She made her way through the crowded messy drinking area. People's elbows jostled into her, faceless heads bobbed up and down, and somebody kept shouting a single swear word, over and over and over again.

Someone grabbed her elbow.

"Ms. Cheshire, going home this early? Won't you sing us another song?"

Where that person's skin came into contact with hers, she felt a crawling sensation underneath, as she always did when someone made contact with her.

"No, no, I'll be back." She pried the fingers away from her arm.

Finally, she fought her way to the front door and shoved her way into the cold night air.

"Jack! Jack!" she shouted as she ran up to the uniformed young man.

The Diamond Jack spun around. His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth split into a wide grin. "Cat! What are you doing outside all alone, this late at night? Go home, it's really dangerous!"

"What are you doing out here?"

"I have some work to do in the city."

"Did you get to see the princess?" the cat spoke quickly because of excitement. "I've been dying to ask you. I heard a princess came to the castle. Is she very beautiful? In the storybooks, princesses are always very beautiful."

"......" the jack leaned down and patted his sister's head. She felt the crawly sensation again, but this time she didn't mind too much. "I have work to do right now, but I promise I'll be back."

"Yeah but did you see the princess?"

"...Yes. I did."

The cat pressed her hands to her face and giggled and jumped into the air.

"I would like to be a princess when I grow up! They're always so pretty in the storybooks!" Suddenly the cat stopped, and she looked at her brother dead in the eye. "Can you tell the princess that I, the Cheshire Cat, sends her my most sincerest greetings?"

The jack hesitated momentarily and he looked away. He didn't want to lie to his sister, he thought siblings should be honest with each other. So at last he said, "Well, the princess has some health issues right now. I can't speak to her."

The Cheshire Cat's eyes widened. "What, really?!"

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone." He pressed a finger against his lips and made a shush sound. "It's really important that you keep this a secret."

"Okay, okay! I won't!" The cat was excited to be let in on a big secret like this.

"I really have to go now..." the Diamond Jack turned to leave. He looked back one last time, even as his footsteps pounded onwards. "...But I'll be back to see you, so wait for me!"

The cat nodded her head and waved. Deep inside, she really wanted to follow her brother and stick together with him. But at the same time, she knew she had to get back to the tavern before long now.

Instead of walking, she skipped on her way back, humming a tune. It's always so nice seeing her brother. And of course, she wouldn't tell anyone about the secret...

...Except for the Dormouse. The mouse was her friend, so she could be trusted.

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