Chapter Thirty-One: Preparations for War

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"How many stars are in the sky, rabbit?"

"Um... maybe a million? I'm not sure, Your Highness."

"I think there are at least a hundred billion! There are just so many of them! I'll never get tired of counting them."


After the Cat returned to the Hare's house, she learned more about what was going to happen. There was going to be a war soon. The Hare was trying to prepare an escape for civillians, so they wouldn't have to stay in the city and get implicated.

The Hare showed the Cat a map of the city.

"As you see, our city is defined by a large circular wall. At the center is the castle, which is protected by a smaller wall. Just outside of the castle wall is the aristocrat's neighborhood, and just outside of that is the commercial neighborhoods with taverns and stuff. Then, even beyond that, is the slums, the place with all the shacks.

"If a war breaks out, the kingdom of Hearts will probably try to siege the city. When that happens, we'll need to locate a weak point and create an exit so some people can run away."

The Cat thought about this for a while. "You have mind control powers, so can't you just brainwash a few soldiers, dig a hole in the wall, and let people out that way?"

"If we can't find any openings, then we'll have to do that."

The Hare and the Cat spent the next days examining the wall, looking for potentially weak spots or spots that aren't as important, and so probably won't be as closely guarded. Eventually they settled on a spot towards the northeast direction. The northeast side of the city is almost completely empty, even the shacks were few and in between, so it probably wouldn't be closely guarded.

"Why are you doing this?" said the Cat.

The Hare explained patiently. "Well, I want to have an escape route for myself when something happens. If I escape on my own, I might get sick or get hurt. But if a bunch of people go together, that'll be safer."

The Cat looked around them. "Where's the Caterpillar, anyway?"

"He's left already to another city. He's setting things up there."

The Hare was looking around, poking and prodding at the wall. Then the Cat stood still and said, "Why should I help you? What in it for me?"

The Hare scratched her chin. "I'll pay you money when all of this is over. Also, when and if the war does break out, and we're going to run away, I'll let you get away first."

The Cat hesitated. But then the Hare was moving forward again, and so she hurried to keep pace.

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