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Harumi's Pov

"Well look what the cat dragged in," said the girl, I'm pretty sure her name is Nya. 

I can't imagine what it's like to live in a house full of boys. I stayed with the ninjas for a couple of weeks, and I could barely bare it. 

"Where did you find her?" Jay asked as he looked me up and down like I was a trash back that needed to be taken out. Don't ask me how I know what that looks like.

"She was sleeping in the storage room," Lloyd said as he let go of my hand. I seriously forgot he was holding it. 

"Why was she sleeping? Especially during this time where the world might end?" Kai questioned looking at me and then at Lloyd. 

"That's exactly what I said," Lloyd replied.  

"You do know I'm right here, right?" I said getting annoyed that they thought they could just talk about me right in front of me.  The ninjas ignored me and continued talking about how dumb I am to take a nap in the middle of the end of the world. Do these guys even sleep? To be honest they never slept once when I was with them. They had the occasional 1 hour of rest when they were planning, but other than that they never slept. 

"Anyways Lloyd, you and Garmadon have to go down into that cloud and destroy the realm crystal so you can stop the Oni's from coming into Ninjago." Zane explained.

"Okay, Cole hand Garmadon a sword." Lloyd said grabbing a katana for himself. I sat down in a nearby bench and watched him push his beautiful gold lock away from his face. I looked away before anyone could catch me looking at him.

"Uh you sure about that Lloyd." Cole said uneasily as he plucked a sword from the floorboards. 

"Yeah positive." Lloyd said as he pulled a camera over his head. Cole tossed the sword over to Garmadon. Then the most expected thing happened. He started attacking the ninja. he beat them one by one. His power than returned. And all the ninjas were in defensive mode. Then for some reason, Garmadon jumped of the ship. All the ninja just stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Well, uhm, bye guys, hopefully I don't die down there.' Lloyd said and with that he jumped of the ship."


no one's Pov

Harumi sat on a bench while the ninja were watching Lloyd go through the Darkness.  Harumi was contemplating whether she wanted to go or not. 

'If I go up, would they tell me to sit back down?' she thought to herself. 'I don't think they trust me enough.' 

"There seems to be a distress call from the Ninjago news tower." Zane says as he clicks some buttons. 

"If anyone can hear me, please help us we are at the NGTV News tower." the voice said. "We are trapped."

The ninja stood around for a couple of seconds until Kai blurted out,

"What are we waiting for we have to go save them!"

"We need to stay here and wait for Lloyd," Nya said as she rubbed her temples. 

"We can't just leave them there," Kai complained.

"And we can't just leave Lloyd here either. " Nya shot back. 

The two went back and forth until a new voice stopped them.

"I can wait for them in my Samurai X suit." Pixal suggested. 

"They could work but what if your battery runs out?" Jay answered, still unsure about this.

"It won't." Pixal said confidently. 

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