Oni Tantrums

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Lloyd was resting on his bed, his eyes heavy and nearly closing. Harumi was next to him on his phone answering fan mail for him. She was reading them out loud to Lloyd. Misako was on the phone with her boss, asking to be able to have a break from work due to her son's illness. A knock was heard on the door. 

"Come in!!" Said Harumi not looking up from the phone. She assumed it was just another doctor who was coming to take some tests on Lloyd. He had taking 75 blood tests since he arrived at the hospital a couple of weeks ago. 

"Wasssssup," said Kai as he and Nya strolled into the room. Harumi looked up, she got out of her chair and went up to them giving them both a hug. 

"I'm so glad you guys are here. Lloyd's going into a coma in the next 3 hours at 5:00 pm." Harumi said sadly. 

"We would have gotten here 30 minutes ago if Nya didn't take the wrong turn on our way to Lloyd's room. 


Flash back

Nya and Kai were searching around for an elevator when they found a sign. There was two ways to go. Keep walking straight or turn right. The sign was pointing to the right. 

"Let's keep walking straight," Nya said as she started to walk. Kai stopped her. 

"But the sign said go right?" Kai questioned Nya. Nya rolled her eyes.

"The sign is pointing to the straight path," Nya said pointing at the sign. 

"But wouldn't the arrow be facing up if the right way to go was to continue walking straight?" Kai asked. Nya was getting angry. 

"If it was pointing up that would mean the elevators are upstairs, which they are but that isn't very helpful now is it?" Nya scolded Kai. Kai kept his mouth shut after that. The two kept walking straight. They took a lot of rights and lefts until they ended up back where they started. Kai checked the time.

"We've been walking in circles for 25 minutes!?" Kai exclaimed. "Looks like i was right after all, the correct way to go was to the right."

Kai smiled cockily, Nya gave him a glare and walked away to the elevator. Kai trailing close behind her. 


"Wow Nya," Harumi said. Astonished on what she just heard. "I wouldn't question it if Kai made the mistake but you Nya?"

"Okay okay I get it, don't rub it in my face," Nya said playfully annoyed. "It was a simple mistake that's all."

"I think it's just the stress about Lloyd getting to you," Kai said, his big brother switch turned on. 

"Enough about me, how's Lloyd doing," Nya asked looking at Harumi. Misako had gone outside to continue to talk to her boss privately, and to say some not very nice words to him. 

"He's been better," Harumi said. "Way better. He has this faraway look in his eyes. Like he's here with us physically but not emotionally or mentally. It looks like he's given up he's stopped fighting." 

"yeah, I think you're right Harumi," Kai said placing a hand on Harumi's shoulder. "Lloyd's never given up before. And I've never seen him look like this. He's given up. The world finally managed to do the impossible."

"Break The Green Ninja's spirit."


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