Accident at the Trampoline Park

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I was sitting at home at 11 AM on a sunny summer morning, drinking my coffee and scrolling through Instagram, when a notification popped up on my phone from my friend, Amy.

Hey, you wanna go to a trampoline park?

I snorted at the idea. A trampoline park? I thought. I'm not 10. But then the more I thought, the more it seemed to appeal to me. It would be fun to jump around the park. Plus, a lot of kids our age still visit the place. I opened the Messages app.

sure, I replied. when do you wanna go?

Whenever works for you! replied Amy.

I thought for a second, then replied. can you come to my house in half an hour to pick me up?

Sounds good! I set down my phone, excited.

I ran up to my room to change out of my shorts and T-shirt and take a quick shower. In the middle of blow-drying my hair, I saw Amy's car pull up to my house. I quickly finished, threw on an outfit, and ran out the door.

"Hey," I said while flinging the door open, out of breath.

"I was getting worried," Amy laughed. "I wasn't sure if you were actually gonna come out to the car."

We drove around 15 minutes away to the trampoline park downtown and checked in. I was amazed at the scope of the park.

"I haven't been here in, like, 6 years," I said, amazed. "When did it get so nice?"

The room was sprawling, with a concession stand, another trampoline section, a dodgeball and basketball arena, and even a jousting arena on a pole on top of fuzzy grey blocks to break your fall.

Amy turned to me, a spark in her eye. "Where should we go first?"

It was hard to decide. "How about the concession stand? I'm so thirsty."

We walked down to the concession stand, which was right by the jousting arena. It was pretty entertaining to see kids fight so dramatically. I ordered a coke, but I ended up drinking a few. With all that caffeine in my body, I was pumped up to jump on some trampolines.

We ran down to the trampoline arena, which had a bunch of small trampolines divided up into grids. We bounced back and forth for a while until we both collapsed to the ground. We had to take a moment to regain our energy.

Then, we decided to try our hand at jousting. Amy knocked me over a few times and ended up winning the most, but I gathered a few wins too. It was a lot of fun.

Then, we returned to the trampoline park. As we were bouncing back and forth and doing flips and cool tricks, I couldn't help but notice a small twinge in my bladder that panged every time my feet touched the trampoline. But I barely ended up even noticing it because of the fun we were having.

Afterwards, we ran over to the basketball arena. We were both terrible and didn't end up scoring too many goals, but it was fun nonetheless. Again, though, every time I jumped I felt my bladder hurting.

After we were done, I went to run to the bathroom, but Amy took my hand.

"Quick," she said, pulling me away from the bathroom. "They're letting new people in to the dodgeball court."

There, my desperation only got worse. I was crossing my legs, which made it hard to throw the dodgeballs, and I had to make up an excuse about leg pain to not make Amy feel bad. As my bladder began to scream at me to release, Amy threw a great shot and nailed me right in the bladder with a dodgeball.

"Ow!" I cried, and I gripped my crotch.

I felt my bladder releasing, and in a fit of panic, I clenched as hard as I could. I was eventually able to regain control, but standing up, I noticed a spot on my pants where my pee had leaked through. Amy saw it and gasped.

"Oh my god, I didn't know you had to go."

I rushed over to the exit, but the guards wouldn't let me leave.

"Please," I cried, "I really have to use the bathroom. Let me-"

I was interrupted by the shock of my bladder slowly releasing. A trickle made its way down my leg. The guards, shocked, quickly opened the gate and let me through.

I ran towards the bathroom, gripping my crotch as I felt my pants slowly get wet under the force of my bladder. I looked up and there it was: the bathroom! I limped ever closer with hope, but I didn't spot the person next to me.

The man bumped into me and sent me into the ground. I fell on my stomach.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" the man said, bending over me.

I whipped onto my back in fear, but the blow to my stomach was the last straw. The gates to my bladder finally opened, and a hisssss sounded through the trampoline park.

My bladder let go as my pants finally succumbed to the wrath of my urine, a dark spot congregating around my crotch and slowly spreading around me. I closed my eyes as I wet my pants on the floor of the trampoline park.

(863 words, not including this)

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