Failed Holding Challenge at School

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It was a sunny Friday morning. The air was cool, but not brisk. Fall was certainly approaching. A breeze flowed through Kate's window as she stared outside, sipping coffee. A backpack hung on her slightly baggy shirt with a skirt poking out from the end of the shirt. It was a completely normal sight, and Kate was a normal girl. Except for one secret.

If you lifted up Kate's shirt and pulled down her skirt slightly, or perhaps looked up her skirt at the right angle, you would realize she's not just what meets the eye. For under that skirt and calm demeanor, a diaper laid underneath.

Kate had been having bedwetting problems a year ago when she discovered she loved the feel of a Goodnite hugging her skin, so she hid away a box from her parents when her problem was over. Using them sparingly, she has only used up a few boxes of Goodnites since that year. But now was Kate's bravest endeavor. She was going to wear a diaper to school.

But that wasn't all. Kate's intent wasn't to use it. In fact, she discovered the only thing that turned her on more than using her Goodnite was to hold off, to keep her pee inside as long as she could. And that was her plan: to make it through the school day without having to use her diaper.


Kate entered her first class - English. She didn't mind this teacher. Her teacher was fun and laid-back and really knew how to connect with the students. Kate constantly took sips of her big water bottle, but didn't feel an urge at all.

Same with Reading, which, even though she had a stricter teacher, she still was able to focus and learn that day. Thankfully so, because she had a pop quiz in class that day.

Her next class was Art. As with many art classes, it was another easy and fun class. But just as the class was reaching its halfway point, Kate noticed a small urge nagging at her from her bladder. Already? she thought. It's not even lunch yet.

After Kate's third period, the hallway became super crowded. Eventually, the crowd came to a complete standstill. What is going on? thought Kate as she tried to catch a glimpse of what was holding up the flow of the hallway. Immediately, though, Kate was distracted by a fight. Two students, neither of which she knew, were having a whole fistfight in the hallway. Kate totally forgot about her urge until -  WHAM - she was elbowed in the stomach.

She stumbled backwards. and the student in front of her turned around. "Oh my gosh, are you ok? I'm so sorry."

Kate groaned. "Yeah, I'm good. Sorry." But she couldn't deny, while rubbing her stomach, that only worsened her needs.

The next period was lunch. Kate's mom, even though she was working, said she could pick something up for Kate. Kate had graciously accepted, and after the hallway cleared, Kate ran to the office to pick up her lunch.

There, Kate saw her mom. There was a small problem, though. Kate had asked for Jimmy John's, but her mom stood there with a Taco Bell bag.

"Hi, honey," Kate's mom said, handing Kate the bag. "Sorry I didn't get you Jimmy John's like you asked for, but they were closed today."

"Oh yeah, they're doing renovations or something. I forgot." Kate grabbed the bag. "But it's ok! Love ya mom."

"Love ya too sweetie," Kate's mom waved as she left the building.

Kate wasn't mad at all about the meal change, because she had secretly been craving the Taco Bell Nacho Fries for a while. As she went to the lunch room and sat down at her table, she took in the smells of the fresh(ly bought) Taco Bell, and when she made it to the lunch room, Kate scarfed it down. Kate also finished the whole large Pepsi her mom got. But she quickly realized that was a bad idea when, just as the lunch room was emptying, she doubled over from the pain in her bladder.

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