Secret Concert Messing

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Leila wiped her brow. "Ok, what else do you think we need for the concert?"

Sarah turned to her. "Diapers."

Sarah and Leila were going to see their favorite musician, Jake Bridges, in Los Angeles, which was a few hours away from their Nevada homes. They already had the hotel rooms booked and the tickets ordered months in advance, but they still had a little more to pack.

Problem is, Jake Bridges is incredibly popular, especially around girls their age. They figured the concert would be packed shoulder-to-shoulder. And the show was around 5 hours long. But Sarah had a solution to make sure they never had to move from their spot. Diapers. She figured they'd end up peeing a few times, maybe once if they were lucky, and would change back into their panties after the show.


Sarah and Leila hopped into the car and drove to Walgreens to pick for some diapers. They quickly walked over to the incontinence isle.

"Ooh, these are cute," Leila said, pointing to some young adult diapers with light pink designs on them.

"Perfect!" Sarah went to pick up a box. "Wait, should we get the thicker ones? They'll hold more, just in case."

"Good idea!" Leila picked up a box of 8 diapers and went to the cash register.

They averted their eyes from the cute cashier, hoping he wouldn't ask any questions. Luckily, he didn't seem to care. They speed-walked back to the car, hoping nobody saw them. Once they were in the car, they let out a sigh and drove back home, sleeping at Leila's and going to sleep early to get ready for the big day before them.

Leila jolted awake to the sound of an alarm blasting in her ear. She turned to her side to see Sarah there, breathing lightly. Leila quickly shook Sarah awake.

"C'mon, c'mon, we gotta go!" Leila muttered.

Sarah turned over and sat upright. They both quickly got dressed and dove into the car, suitcases in tow. They drove the few hours, only stopping for one gas break, and finally reached L.A. They checked into their room and fell on their beds simultaneously.

"Now, all we have to do is rest up for tomorrow's show!" Sarah squealed in excitement.

They woke up bright and early the next day and went to Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast. They had until 3 to get in line. They chugged their coffees, ate their breakfast quickly, and relaxed for a bit before it was time. Both of them tried to use the bathroom, but nothing would come out.

So it was time. Sarah held up the diaper in front of her. This was your idea, she thought. You have to do this. She quickly slipped on the diaper. It didn't feel bad, it was even kind of soft. She looked in the bathroom mirror, checking out her butt. Oh well, time to get dressed.

As Leila passed Sarah to enter the bathroom, averting her eyes and blushing, Sarah ran to her suitcase. She pulled out some light blue jeans and a cute top (and a sweater, in case it got chilly.) She got the jeans over her diaper, but after using her phone camera, she discovered that the diaper bulge was incredibly noticeable. In fact, her other clothes were actually worse for the diaper. Damn it, she thought. At least nobody will see me.

When Leila exited the bathroom, she also found her diaper was pretty noticeable too. They shrugged it off, though, and drove to the concert.


They reached the concert a couple hours early to get in line, easily earning them spots right in front of everyone else. As they reached closer to the beginning of the concert, Leila noticed an urge to pee. She thought nothing of it, though. That was what the diapers were for anyways.

They were finally let in to the arena and waited an excruciatingly long half hour before Jake Bridges finally entered the stage. The crowd went wild. Sarah screamed so loud, she had to cough afterwards. Leila's needs only worsened. It was affecting her dancing as they reached the 2nd song. At the 3rd song, she decided she was finally going to wet her diaper.

Leila looked down at her crotch. Secretly, she was nervous she was going to wet too much and the diaper would leak. It took her a minute or so to work up the courage, and another minute to quickly unlearn her potty training, but right as the bridge of the song happened, the dam finally broke and Leila peed into her diaper. She sighed in relief as the pee soaked her diaper and warmed her pelvis area. She was able to jump in right at the last chorus with everyone else.

Meanwhile, Sarah hadn't even felt an urge yet. She wasn't even thinking of her diaper at this point, just of how amazing it was that she was there.


Leila had wet once more as they reached the penultimate song of the show. Her diaper was still cooling down as Jake announced they would allow one fan onstage to help them with their song. She decided to not volunteer, to her disappointment, because her diaper was incredibly visible. Sarah, though, jumped up and down as fast as she could, ignoring the pangs coming from just below her waist. She needed to pee, badly. But she couldn't think of that now.

Jake scanned the crowd and saw Sarah jumping up and down. Chuckling to himself at her enthusiasm, he picked her. Sarah saw his finger point right at her and the shock that ran through her body was enough to finally fully relax her. She gaped at him as she wet her diaper. Pee rushed out of her and pattered against the fabric of her diaper's insides. It flooded her diaper completely and created a slight bulge at the back. After a few seconds, and Leila cheering her on, she waddled to the stage and climbed up the staircase.

Jake taught her the choreography to his hit single, Love Snatcher. The instructions wormed their way into her brain, still in awe of his presence. Lunge, lunge, step, left, lunge, lunge, step, left. But another thing distracting her was a rumble in her tummy. The coffee had finally hit her, and she was going to feel its wrath.

She knew she couldn't perform as well with her stomachache, but if she messed herself, her diaper would clearly be visible. She hadn't prepared for this. She hadn't considered the waste from the other end. But she was going to do this, whether she messed or not. And as Love Snatcher's intro started, she hoped it would be the latter.

With each lunge, another drop of sweat ran down Sarah's forehead, and not just because of the stage lights. The big build-up to the final chorus started, and Jake turned to her and took her hand. Sarah couldn't believe what was happening as they danced, building up anticipation for the big finale. And with the chorus finally approaching, she felt a log of poop poke out of her butt. She was turtleheading in front of Jake Bridges. And he didn't even know.

With all the muscles in her body, Sarah kept the log in, but as 1, 2, 3, 4 echoed through her head, she knew what was going to happen. And sure enough, as she lunged forward, her bowels finally emptied.

The logs flew out of her with each lunge, finishing off with a spray of diarrhea. The area covered by the diaper was coated in poop, flowing through every crevice of her pelvis area and squishing with every step, left. But she didn't feel that. She only felt the wonder that she was onstage with Jake Bridges and dancing with him. And he held her hand!!

Luckily, as Sarah felt, the bulge in the back wasn't extremely noticeable. If you were in the front row, you may be able to notice, but Sarah actually thought she was safe. And as she posed with Jake, she thought she had gotten away with it. But as she left the stage, the crowd cheering for her, Jake called her back. And what he whispered made her blood run cold.

"I can see the stain on your butt. I know what just happened."

(1366 words (wow), not including this. Plus, double update weekend! I'm totally spoiling you all.)

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