Shadow's torture

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Just a fair warning that this chapter has quite a bit of Shadow torture and violation. Remember, if that's not something you would like to read, you can skip this story! I really don't mind!
Requested by @Abzil12
I hope you enjoy it!

"Can you hear it?"
"Hear what?"
"What is 'it' referring to?"
"The sound of a great plan being put together by the world's smartest and fastest heroes ."
Sonic smirked. Tails giggled softly and nodded his head in agreement. Everyone in the Team Sonic headquarters was lounging around after a minor battle. There were no serious injuries. The worst was Knuckles' arm getting slammed to the ground.

"You sure got that right, Sonic! But we're going to need some downtime. I'm exhausted and my tails don't have any more juice for them to fly!"
The young fox jumped into Sonic's arms. Sonic snuggled Tails up and allowed him to fall asleep in his grasp.

The blue hedgehog noticed Rouge keeping to herself in the corner of the lounge room. It was strange to see such a confident woman be so mellow.
"Hey, Rouge, is everything okay? I saw how hurt you looked during the battle."
He sat on the red bean bag chair next to her pink one.

"I'm doing fine, Big Blue. I'm just thinking about Shadow..."
The bat sighed.
"Oh, yeah. I knew you'd be thinking about all of that. Nobody expected him to come out of nowhere and totally ruin our plan. It sucks that it was a friend that did this to us...But, hey, we still have each other?"
He attempted to smile. Rouge glanced at Sonic, trying to return the smile, only for her face to go back to a frown.

"I don't get why he's still working with that doctor. Eggman doesn't want anything good for him...He's being used!"
"I don't even know if he's working for Egghead anymore. Shadow is just working for himself in the most selfish way possible."
Sonic sighed. There was a small snore heard by Tails sleeping in Sonic's arms.
"He needs what you have. You can't turn evil because you're too busy trying to raise an adopted child!"
She chuckled.
"Don't put it like that! Ew! Everyone says I'm Tails' father. All I did was adopt him so I can keep the kid. I didn't want him going to an orphanage. And I'm glad I didn't send him there the day I found him. He's the most adorable and amazing kid I'll ever know."
He nuzzled Tails' cheek.

"Shut. Up! You're totally his father! He'd call you dad if he had the opportunity to! But knowing you, you'd probably give him such a hard stare that his tails would freeze up right then and there!"
Sonic whined. He adjusted Tails so that he would be more comfortable.
"You named him."
"I mean, yeah! But he was a baby and he needed a name and nickname."
He shrugged. Rouge giggled and shrugged her shoulders.
"Alright. If that's what makes you feel better about yourself, Big Blue."

Suddenly, the alarms began blinking red. From the outside of the headquarters, you can hear everyone groan at the signal.

"We just got out from a battle!"
Knuckles growled. Sonic quickly took Tails to his room and laid him on his bed. He made sure to tuck him in and give him his favorite dogcopter plushie.
"You sit this battle out, little buddy. You deserve it."
He caressed his cheek and then left for the others.

"Who are we up against today?"
The blue hero asked. Amy looked away from the screens.
"Eggman and Starline. If I can guess correctly, they're probably after the master emerald again. The first attack was just to tire us out. Those two never know when to quit. But that's okay. Team Sonic doesn't know when to quit either!"
She beamed. Everyone in the room slowly blinked at her.
"Too much energy, Ames. Even for me."
Sonic blurted out quickly.
"But she's right! Team Sonic, roll out!"

Everyone got to their places and they made their way to Angel Island. Thankfully, it wasn't too far away.

"Ugh, these beslubbering harpies are back to ruin my plans..."
Starline muttered to himself. He was watching Team Sonic approach through the cameras he had hidden around the island.

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