/|Chapter 7|\

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With Echokit as the referee, the game commenced. Tension filled the air as the countdown began. The kits crouched, ready to spring into action. As the count reached one, Whistlekit made the first move, dashing towards the moss ball.

Hickorykit swiftly joined in, chasing after the ball with determined strides. Northkit hesitated for a moment, glancing back at Oddkit, who had already circled the opposite side, signalling her to go ahead. With renewed determination, she sprinted in the opposite direction, meeting up with Oddkit.

The chase was on. Hickorykit raced towards the moss bed goal, tightly clutching the ball in her jaws. Sheepkit, panting from the pursuit, was hot on her heels. Northkit couldn't help but think about her brother's sheepish nature, a playful smirk forming on her face. But there was no time for distractions.

The plan formulated in Northkit's mind. She had to distract the chasing kits and buy time for their team. Oddkit and Hickorykit had already set the pace. As Sheepkit and Echokit closed in, she heard a familiar voice yelling, "Northkit, catch!" With quick reflexes, she leaped into action, catching the ball in mid-air with her mouth.

Panting and determined, she raced towards the moss bed goal, her muscles straining with effort. Smokekit was closing in from behind, but she couldn't let that deter her. As she approached the goal, she prepared to throw the ball, her aim honed on the moss bed.

But just as she was about to release the ball, Sheepkit intercepted her path, unintentionally blocking her way. Frustration welled up inside her, but she quickly adjusted her plan. She replicated Echokit's earlier move, feigning a sudden stop. Smokekit, caught off guard, stumbled and fell, momentarily slowing him down.

Northkit sprinted towards the moss bed, the goal within reach. Time seemed to stretch as her heart pounded in her chest. Landing with a thump and a crash, she successfully scored the goal. Victory filled the air as the referee kit announced the win.

Oddkit couldn't contain her excitement, squealing with delight as she jumped up beside Northkit. "That was amazing!" she exclaimed, admiration shining in her eyes. Northkit couldn't help but grin at her sister's enthusiasm.

As the kits laughed and congratulated each other, Northkit couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something extraordinary was unfolding around her. But for now, she basked in the joy of victory and the company of her littermates and friends.

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