|+Chapter 24+|

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The apprentice's paws felt stiff, and the tunnel entrance wasn't far from her standing. The rustling stopped, "Hey, buddy, reckon I got a whiff of them forest felines!" The feminine voice beamed, and Northpaw stayed right where she was, her ears flat against her head, while looking anxiously at the bush that had rustled. 

Northpaw dared herself to call out to them, and these two cats were the newcomers, just not what Northpaw expected them to sound like.  "Hello?" She asked out, a slight chill running up her spine. The wind's direction changed.

No answer came.

"I am Northpaw" She hesitated, continuing, "And I am assigned to guide you guys back to... camp, yeah." At the same time, she picked up breathing from the bush.

"Oh, I've got ya now, forest kitty!" Northpaw felt her paws getting knocked off the ground, her lower jaw hitting the hard ground, making her hiss in pain. Northpaw then felt a paw resting on her head. Thoroughly alarmed, she drew her claws and started scrabbling on the dusty earth, her claws only coming in contact with dried leaves. "Well, now ain't she a sight? Lookin' all small but packin' a punch! Haihai!" The she-cat laughed, weirdly.

"Sisten, let the apprentice loose, Th'Clan might turn tail on us if'n they catch winds on us!" The same deep voice with a heavy accent warned. Northpaw looked up, seeing chocolate fur in front of her and a bright blue glow outlining him. 

"Fine~," The paw on Northpaw's head was removed. On instinct, Northpaw scrambled to her feet, gaining some distance from the two cats, her chest ached, and her breathing was heavy. Now that she could see them clearly, the big tom was a chocolate tabby tom with long hair. And the she-cat was shaded with amber eyes, not to mention, they didn't look the same, but not entirely different too, and they did have the same accents, just with a different tone.

The same blue light outlined the tom, but it was much fainter now, and a contemporary bright blue glow radiated from the she-cat. "Ehm, pardon me, I reckon, for givin' you a fright." The shaded she-cat apologized, "'Twas just a bit of practice, you still steady on your feet though?"  

Northpaw's pupils were narrowed to shaking slits, slowly imprinting the two as another vile threat. The outlining warm blue glimmer of the two outsiders was quickly replaced with cold red outlines. 

"Y'alright there?" The tabby tom asked with slight concern tugging at his tone. 

The apprentice knew what to do. They were a threat, and one thing to get rid of that threat was to fight. She focused her slits on the two, planting her paws firmly against the ground. The siblings looked confused, glancing at each other.

Taking up the chance, Northpaw leaped toward the she-cat. That was the last thing she could remember seeing before her mind blacked out, she heard yelling next. Both from her Clanmates and the two outsiders.


Hi, I'm busy with school currently, so have a short chapter.

486 words

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