-/Chapter 8\-

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Sunhigh gave way to a warm afternoon, and the kits of QuetzalClan revelled in the joy of their playful games. Northkit, now a moon older along with the others filled with a sense of childish maturity, she joined her littermates in a game of tag. Oddkit and Smokekit were both "It," chasing after their siblings with excitement.

Sheepkit dashed through the camp, his fur fluffed up in anticipation, while Echokit weaved through the clearing, trying to outmaneuver Smokekit's relentless pursuit. Laughter and yowls of delight filled the air as the kits darted and dodged, their young hearts beating with exhilaration.

But their game was abruptly interrupted by a loud rustling sound at the camp entrance. All heads turned to see the Border Patrol returning, their fur matted and stained with blood. Fear and shock spread through the Clan as they took in the injuries and the limp body of Mistleleap, their fallen Clanmate.

Shiveringstar, the leader of QuetzalClan, swiftly approached, her eyes filled with concern and worry. The patrol explained that they had encountered a badger on their territory, managing to drive it away but not before Mistleleap had lost her life in the battle.

The camp was overcome with grief and disbelief. Mistleleap, known for her bravery and loyalty, had been a respected warrior of HorizonClan. Northkit's mother, Lightwhisper, was particularly affected as Mistleleap had been her closest friend.

As the sun set and the golden indigo rays faded, the rain began to fall, casting a sombre mood over the camp. Shiveringstar addressed the Clan, paying tribute to Mistleleap's bravery and unwavering loyalty. The warriors gathered around their fallen comrade, offering their final respects.

Northkit watched the scene unfold from the safety of the Nursery den, raindrops creating a soothing rhythm on the ground. Silverpelt shimmered in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the forest. Her young heart felt heavy with sadness for the loss of Mistleleap.

With the rain as her companion, Northkit took one last sorrowful look at Mistleleap's lifeless body before seeking solace among her sleeping littermates. The sounds of sombre, but gentle snores and falling raindrops enveloped her as she drifted into a quiet deep slumber, knowing that the Clan would mourn and remember their fallen warrior throughout the night.


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