/-Chapter 10-\

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"Well, what do you think we could do to cheer her up?" Echokit mewed, his tone filled with uncertainty.

"Maybe we could persuade her to let us go to Reed Hollow," Northkit suggested, her gaze fiery as she stared into the fog. Echokit looked surprised but decided not to question her determination, adjusting his posture and leaning slightly forward.

"Should we wake the others up?" Echokit's words shattered the silence that had settled around them. He flinched, realizing their siblings were still fast asleep. They had stayed up late the previous night, chatting until Moonhigh, a time considered late for young kits.

Northkit absentmindedly fiddled with a small puddle beside her. "Why not?" she replied, pausing her paw's scraping motion as she licked it clean. "I don't see any problem with that," she added, turning to brush her tail against Echokit's shoulder. "Just Oddkit, Sheepkit, the two of us, and Mom."

Echokit nodded, and together they returned to the warmth of the nursery. The air inside was more comforting, enveloping them with a sense of security. Northkit nudged Oddkit's side, and Echokit gently woke Sheepkit, who was still groggy. "Oddkit, wake up!" she hissed softly.

"Mrhp..." Oddkit grunted lazily, struggling to wake up fully.

Sheepkit slowly opened his heavy eyes. "What time is it?" he murmured, his voice laced with drowsiness.

"It's about Sunhigh," Northkit replied.

"What!?" Oddkit jolted up, almost immediately regretting the sudden movement as dizziness washed over her. "I'm kidding, it's just going to be dawn," Northkit reassured her, chuckling softly.

"What?" Sheepkit blinked, confused by the sudden burst of conversation.

"Nevermind," Echokit interjected, cutting off the confusion. "Northkit and I have decided that we and Mom should go to Reed Hollow!" he announced, his excitement evident in his voice.

"Just the five of us?" Oddkit asked, seeking clarification.


"But where is Mom?" Sheepkit asked, his awareness slowly catching up. Northkit and Echokit exchanged glances, their expressions filled with a mixture of concern and cynicism. Northkit's shake of her head was solemn, while Echokit's carried a tinge of bitterness.

Sheepkit looked to Oddkit, who shared a pained expression. Finally, Sheepkit remembered and let out a quick "Oh," immersing himself in deep thought.

"I doubt Mom should be on her way back to camp by now," Echokit muttered uncertainly.

"Speaking of which," Northkit turned her head towards the entrance. The world beyond the entrance appeared hazy and illuminated, as if clouds had descended to the ground. "We better get going."

Agreeing in murmurs, the siblings silently passed by their sleeping companions, careful not to disturb their rest. Northkit took the lead, guiding them toward the direction from which the lights had emerged.

As they ventured further, the fog thickened, obscuring their vision completely. The air became dense and heavy, making it difficult to see or hear anything beyond a few paw steps echoing through the camp. Cats moved cautiously, their movements hindered by the aftermath of the night's rain.

"How will we find our way with all this fog?" Sheepkit asked, voicing the concern that echoed within all their hearts.

"That would be unnecessary right now," Oddkit whispered, her annoyance evident in her tone.

As Northkit cautiously stepped outside, a shiver ran through her small frame. The cold air enveloped her, causing her fur to bristle, and she instinctively kinked her tail over her back for warmth.

Pawsteps rumbled the ground sporadically, their origin obscured by the thick fog that engulfed the camp. Sniffing the air in an attempt to gather scents proved futile due to the dense mist.

Tracing her steps, Northkit made her way to the area where the fresh-kill pile should have been. To her disappointment, it appeared depleted. She jerked her head, expecting to see her siblings and companions nearby, only to find an empty space. "Thistles and thorns! You guys were supposed to follow me!" she exclaimed, blinking in bewilderment as the white and gray fog surrounded her, masking any signs of their presence.

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