|-Chapter 12-|

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"Okay, look—" Northkit took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down and let out an exasperated sigh. She turned her back towards her siblings, facing away from them, and held her tail erect, swiftly weaving it from side to side as a signal. They had to start following her again, or else they would drive her crazy.

In the silence that followed, Northkit's heightened hearing picked up on the awkward stillness hanging in the air. Her stomach churned, and then she heard a low growl. It wasn't her stomach but rather one of her littermates'.

Turning halfway towards them as the fog continued to dissipate, Northkit's surroundings became clearer with each passing moment. She blinked and tilted her head to the side, her face expressing confusion.

And then it clicked. Sheepkit's stomach growl confirmed the truth.

A relieved smile spread across Northkit's face, finding both amusement and relief in the discovery. "Well, at least we found the culprit," she remarked, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

The thought of a quick feast crossed her mind, but time was of the essence. Their nap time was approaching, and they hadn't even had the chance to visit Reed Hollow yet.

"A quick meal won't hurt, but we have to be fast," Northkit declared, her eyes glancing toward her siblings. "Our nap time is coming up, and we still haven't made it to Reed Hollow!"

With a renewed sense of purpose and the promise of food motivating them, the siblings set off, knowing they had to make the most of their remaining time before their much-needed rest. They had a goal to reach and an adventure awaiting them.

            Northkit's eyes shot open, her heart racing from the startle. Blinking rapidly, her blurry vision slowly sharpened, revealing a familiar yet unfamiliar place—Reed Hollow. She rose to her paws, taking in her surroundings with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

As she stood there, she noticed a change in herself. She wasn't a tiny kit anymore; she had grown, now the size of an apprentice. It was a tangible sign of her growth and progress within the Clan.

Flashes of vibrant colours danced around her, casting a surreal glow. Blues, reds, golds, and whites swirled in the sky painted black. The stars of Silverpelt shimmered above, but one star stood out the most—the Northstar.

Northkit's eyes widened as she followed the Northstar's radiant glow. The peaceful sounds of Reed Hollow filled her ears, a symphony of nature's whispers.

Suddenly, she found herself face-to-face with the Northstar, her paws skidding to a halt. She turned around, only to see the once-familiar sight of Reed Hollow growing distant, being swallowed by encroaching darkness. The scents she knew so well were replaced by new and unfamiliar aromas.

She realized she was no longer in the territory of QuetzalClan or any Clan. It was an entirely new and unknown realm. Uncertainty filled her, and she instinctively took a step backward, seeking the comfort of the fading scents of Reed Hollow.

The soft wind that had been her guide was now gone, replaced by the vast expanse of the Boreal forest surrounding her. She felt a shiver run down her spine, unsure of what lay ahead.

In the distance, she heard a distant crackling fire, its cackling drawing her attention. Northkit's ears perked up, and she followed the sound, venturing into the chilly depths of the night forest. The crackling grew louder, raising her senses.

As she approached, she discovered a clearing with a dying fire. Four two-legs were gathered around it, with one replenishing the flames while the others sat on nearby logs. Her senses heightened, and she caught a whiff of something else—Two-legs.

Suddenly, she noticed a looming monster nearby, much larger than the four two legs. It appeared to be fast asleep, but caution told her to stay wary. Before she could fully process her surroundings, she felt a gentle stroke on her head.

Startled, Northkit quickly turned her head, taking a step back. It was a Two-leg kit. How had she not noticed it before? Before she could react further, the Two-leg kit reached out and grabbed her, their grasp tight and unwelcome.

The Two-leg's words spilled out in a language she didn't understand, and the commotion caught the attention of the other two-legs. Fear and confusion gripped Northkit as she struggled to free herself from the Two-leg kit's grip, only for it to tighten further. One of the two legs stood up, moving closer with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

With her heart pounding and terror welling up inside her, Northkit braced herself for whatever was to come next.


Waking from her dream with shallow breaths, Northkit's heart raced as she tried to make sense of the vivid images that had filled her mind. Was it a nightmare or a sign from StarClan? Kits rarely received such dreams, especially ones filled with unsettling scenes.

The cold feeling of the wind, the presence of Two-Legs near Reed Hollow, and the two-leg kit that had startled her—each thing held her back to wonder it all. StarClan often granted dreams to apprentices, warriors, leaders, and medicine cats, but never before had she heard of a kit receiving such visions. 

Thoughts of the legendary warrior, Caquiecrest, came to mind. Her tales were passed down through generations, earning her a place in QuetzalClan's history. Caquiecrest had triumphed in the battle over the Lemon Crest tree, an event that strained relations with VireoClan. Northkit longed to create her own story, to be remembered by future generations for her deeds and the way she lived her life.

Caquiecrest, a silver-blue she-cat with mismatched eyes—one golden, the other blue—was a symbol of bravery and resilience. Northkit aspired to embody those qualities, to leave her mark on QuetzalClan's history. She yearned for the chance to prove herself, to face challenges and triumph as Caquiecrest had done.

As her thoughts drifted, Northkit couldn't help but recall recent events. Her friends, Smokepaw, Whistlepaw, and Hickorypaw, had been apprenticed a moon ago, while Dovepaw had recently earned her warrior name, Dovelake, for her courageous act of driving away a stray bear cub. It was during her apprentice ceremony, under the sun's high rays, that Northkit realized something about her brother, Sheepkit—he wanted to become a medicine cat apprentice.

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