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Chapter 11:

Kim stood on the terrace of Chay's quarter, looking around. He kept behind the tall coconut trees to avoid being seen. He had ordered his driver to leave with his car, marking his absence from the premises.

He picks his phone and dials, 'Hello Karl! Are you sure Tharif has ordered it for tonight?.....ok........ so it will be two men in the quarter? .... After midnight..... how will they enter? ..... ok.... disguised as what?...hmmm..'

Kim's eyes fall on two tall and well-built men approaching the quarter. They were in gardener uniforms, but their physique said otherwise.

'Hey there! Would you mind trimming the bushes in the backyard? They are attracting insects now.'

'Yes. We will do it.'

'Open the gate and walk to the backyard, please.'

They briskly walked towards the backyard and started trimming the bushes.

It was evening, the sun was setting. The guards would be on high alert after sunset, so they had entered long before dusk. Tharif had done a good job this time. The planning of Chay's abduction was a good one.

Kim dials Chay, 'Chay! Please lock up everything well and don't come out, ok? They are working on a beehive nearby.... yes, I'm coming in.... Why don't you play some games and test the new headset? ..... Ya....... I'll join you soon.'

He speaks to the men from behind leaves of the coconut tree, 'One of you please come here in the front yard, I think this one here needs a trim too.'

One of them moves to the front yard and starts working on the bushes there; the buzz of the trimmer disturbing the silence.

Kim zooms in to the man in the backyard and scans him thoroughly, just to make sure. He knew everything. Yes, there was a black case on his waist, the indication Karl had given him. He picks up a whole brick and throws it at the man. It hits his head and he falls unconscious, the sound covered up by the noise from the trimming machine. Soon, the other man walks towards the backyard. Kim was ready with another brick for him too. He met the same fate as his mate.

'Chan, we have guests in Porchay's backyard. Come quick.' Kim cuts the call, climbs down the coconut tree and ties them up with cable ties he had in his pocket.

Chan comes in no time with two other men, and carries them away.

Kim calls Chay asking him to open up the front door. He unlocks the door; surprised by how he came down from the terrace. Kim kisses his parted lips.

'I climbed down the tree. Just some adventure. Let's play the game now!!'

Kim knew too much. He knew everything in spite of not wanting to be a part of this world.


Kinn and Porsche were heading to the cafeteria for breakfast.

'I wanted to tell you something, since we will be going to speak to Kate today.'

Porsche nods.

'You see, everything owned by the Tharifs actually belonged to Mr. Tharif's brother Mr. Tut. They were two brothers and one sister. Tut was very much against ZX and had revolted strongly against him. He tried to fight using the law of the country; the legal system. His sister supported him. Both of them were brutally murdered by ZX. Tharif took ZX's side and lived. Tut was the sole owner of whole of the business and property. He left a will behind. It was with his lawyer, who evoked it legally immediately after his death. He had left all he had to some relatives who were never found. His lawyer too was found dead within a year.'

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