Chapter Two : Isis Book.

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When the time came, Dr. Sarah woke up at the middle of the night, yes it's the lunar phase night, Dr. Sarah saw the ghost again outside of her room next to the door of her bedroom, when she saw it once more she followed it, and start thinking out of loud...
" It's a ghost, I can see it, I can follow it, I know I have to be afraid, and I'm afraid, but I'm curious too, why this ghost appears again at the same time? I'm confident that there's a reason, I'm a scientist, everything in the life had a reason, I have to find the connection between the ghost and the lunar phase, maybe the ghost appears for that reason, the lunar phase, or not, maybe for other reason, and maybe not, I'm thinking too much, but I have to think until I find my answers"
She kept telling to herself
"I have to be brave, you can do it, Sarah follows the ghost, it wouldn't hurt you, you are brave, you are strong, I will do it"
Sarah closed her eyes, she took a deep breath, she opens her eyes, she starts following the ghost, walking behind the ghost, until she found the hidden passageway, yes, she looks under her feet, she saw the floor changes, this is how this part of the house moving, she is understanding now, the wall opened, the floor moves like train passageway, "what happened" she said it out loud.
She stopped moving when the ghost disappeared, she looked around her to see it, but she couldn't find it, and she felt something behind her back, is that the ghost she could even hear her heartbeat. It's loud and clear, it's very scary, but she had to take a look, she moved slowly to see it, but she didn't find anything.
She starts crying, she kept thinking about the reason, why this was happening to her, but she remembered the secret room suddenly, so she runs to her room to get the key.
The way from her room to the secret room became clearly now, as the passageway changed, so she can easily back to her room to get the key, and go to the secret room.
Dr. Sarah went to the room, and finally, she opened the room's door, she was surprised about which existed in the room, the time was out, so the house changed again, so the way to the room locked and Dr. Sarah still in the room, she didn't realize that, and she turns on the light, she found a desk and a chair, behind it there is a library full of books in the other wall there's a sofa. It's an office room, and maybe Dr. Adam use this room for work.
She found the book which never published, and the title was queen Isis, she remembered a memory with Dr. Adam when they were in England as bride and groom.
The memory showed up as a flashbacks :
( When Dr. Sarah and Dr. Adam arrived at the house which exists in England, Dr. Adam said : and this big house will be our home, and one day you will find all the secrets which this house keeps it inside, Dr. Sarah replied to him : which secrets you are referring to?
Dr. Adam replied to her : you will find it by yourself, and you will be able to treat with it, and I'm confident that you will have much fun here with me, as it's our life, we will share every moment together here.
She smiled at him, she replied to him : I love you my dear husband, let's start our adventure together).
The end of the memory.
Dr. Sarah realized that her husband Dr. Adam meant this secret room, she said out of loud : so this is the secret which you told me about it before, what else I will discover here.
She found next to the book small notebook, and under it another letter, and different book the cover from kind of metal and all the papers empty, but she saw something huge next to the door of the room, and it's covered by white cloth, she walked to this thing and she un cover it, it was different mirror she never saw before.

But in some how, this mirror looks familiar, like, oh wait a minute, she said that out of loud, after she realized those Chinese characters, it's a word, she used her hand to clean the dust, it's not a word, it's a sentence, but Dr. Sarah has no idea about this language, she never ever learn it before, but she could read the sentence!
It's has a meaning on her mind, the sentence meaning is "to the one I will meet in the future, to the queen of Egypt, from a lost soul will find her again, this time I will make sure to choose love".
She speaks to herself.
" Okay, it's looks scary, she hits herself, to be sure that she could read the sentence, how it's possible, what's going on, this room have secrets more than she ever thought!
But what's linked this ancient Chinese mirror with ancient queen of Egypt, something missing, why this Chinese lost soul want to meet the queen of Egypt, and who's the lost soul, it's a new discovery my husband was work on it? It could be, no, it's impossible, I know that ancient China, away from ancient Egypt, then how they met in the past, it's complicated issues, I couldn't even have a good explanation, but if it is a new discovery, why can I understand these characters!
I never had a Chinese lesson, I don't know this language, how can I translate it easily, what's going on with me, or it's something connected with this room, it could be a mind game"?
Wake up Sarah, you will lose your mind in that case, focus on your goal, you would like to discover this room, not yourself!

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