Welp, I made Hunter a Nintendo Fan

45 4 15

Genre: Fluff with a little pinch of sad/angst, but mostly family feels

It was a chilly fall morning when Hunter awoke to a stuffed nose and pressure in his face. He groaned, more in annoyance than discomfort-he knew it had been a bad idea to get so close to Luz after she picked up that cold from school. It wasn't easy to keep away from her, though, when they both currently lived in the same house.

Hunter forced himself upright and slipped out of his bedsheets, wobbling a bit as he stood up. Slow and careful so as not to trigger dizziness again, he dragged his feet up the creaky stairs and into the kitchen, where Camila stood beside a pan filled with batter. His heart sank a little when he could hardly smell the pancakes past his stuffy nose.

"I still don't know why you were named after human food," he heard Camila say, and Flapjack twittered on the countertop as he poked at the little mini pancake she had cooked for him. "But I guess it makes sense, seeing how much you like them, huh? Querido pájaro."

"Buenos días, mamá." Vee slided past Hunter, surprising him. She yawned and made her way to the kitchen table, stopping halfway when Camila wrapped her in a one-armed hug.

"Buenos días, Vee." Camila's eyes caught Hunter, who hadn't realized he was standing stationary for so long-he could only think about how much his head felt it could explode at any given moment. "Oh, good morning, Hunter! I didn't see you there. Did you sleep in a little?"

Hunter opened his mouth to answer, found that he couldn't make out a functional sentence in his tense head, then simply nodded instead and sat down on one of the wooden chairs before his dizziness could come back.

"Ay cariño, are you okay? You don't look well," Camila flipped the cooked pancake onto a plate and turned to Hunter, concern knitted across her face.

"I...think I might've gotten Luz's cold," he mumbled and sniffed his nose, only to accidentally trigger a coughing fit.

Vee scrunched her face, shooting him a sympathetic look. "I might eat in the living room, then. Human colds suck."

"Yeah, that's....probably a good idea."

Camila passed the newly cooked plate of pancakes to Vee, who stood up from her place at the table and headed for the living room. She nudged her foot against his as she passed by. "Hope you feel better, Hunter."

He nodded again and mouthed a 'thanks', and just like that Vee vanished into the other room.

"Well," Camila began, watching as Flapjack fluttered over to Hunter and rubbed his feathery face against him. "I guess it'll be only the two of us today, then. Luz has school, and I don't want you hanging out in that dusty, old house while sick. Vee said she's meeting up with a friend from camp..."

Camila drifted off a bit and turned back to the empty pan on the stove, her voice lower so Vee couldn't hear. "To be honest, I think she has heart-eyes for them....oh, do you want pancakes, baby? Or would something like soup be better?"

Hunter thought about it for a moment. "Pancakes sound good. Thanks."

"Of course. You just rest up today, okay? If you need anything, ask me."


Hunter had just set aside his empty plate-he had eaten the pancakes plain, in fear that the sweet maple syrup would be too much on his sick stomach-and nestled beneath a soft, plush blanket on the couch when Camila sat down beside him. "Wait, aren't you worried about catching this?"

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